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The Dartmouth
October 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Intro to UI/UX: Designing Beauty and the User-Experience


 This spring is the inaugural term for the class “Intro to UI/UX Design I” with professor Lorie Loeb. According to Loeb, the class, which is open exclusively to first- and second- year students, focuses on creating meaningful, accessible and beautiful interfaces for technology. The class, which requires no previous experiences, uses elements of human-centered design, graphic design and design with digital tools. As the first part in a two-class sequence, students are expected to take “Intro to UI/UX Design II” in the following summer, fall or winter terms in order to apply their skills in the DALI lab as a designer.

College to alter admissions practice


Dartmouth will change its practices to protect the integrity of the admissions process for incoming athletes following a federal investigation that uncovered a widespread college admissions scandal and resulted in the arrest of 50 people.


Hasan Minhaj's 'Patriot Act' is breath is a breath of fresh air for comedy


Netflix has been a boon for stand-up comedians these past few years, offering an enormous platform for artists whose work would have been a little more difficult to find for our generation of instant streamers. I fell into the rabbit hole of stand-up around the same time I started my Netflix subscription, which means for a while, I hadn’t done much else but listen to the upteenth comedian give a self-deprecating monologue.