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The Dartmouth
September 30, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Gov. Merrill toughens N.H.'s anti-hazing laws


New Hampshire Governor Steve Merrill signed into law a bill that makes hazing illegal on college campuses. The bill had languished for months in the State Senate and House of Representatives before passing early this month. An earlier version of the bill would have applied only to colleges and universities.


Srodes '93 arrested for assault


Hanover Police arrested Michael Srodes '93 at Psi Upsilon fraternity Monday morning on the charge of second degree assault, according to Officer Patrick O'Neill. The arrest occurred more than three weeks after Srodes allegedly struck Jeffrey Schumacher, a visitor to the College, in the head with an aluminum baseball bat early in the morning on May 2 during a Psi U party. Police said Schumacher was treated for serious head lacerations. If brought to trial and convicted, Srodes could face jail time and a major fine, O'Neill said. The arrest report schedules Srodes, who could not be reached for comment, for a June 8 arraignment in Hanover District Court.


Rugby collects for clubhouse


The Men's and Women's Rugby Clubs have received permission from the Board of Trustees to solicit funds to build a new clubhouse as part of the Will to Excel Campaign. According to Rugby Coach Wayne Young, the men's and women's clubs must raise $500,000 between them before they can begin construction on the clubhouse, which will be located behind Garipay Field.


Panelists discuss the future of liberal arts


Participants in a panel discussion last night called "Dartmouth Undying" lashed out against the College's current liberal arts education and offered visions of the future. Religion Professor Susan Ackerman, Senior Class President Doug Chia, English Professor William Cook, Susie Lee '94 and Dean of Student Life Holly Sateia comprised the panel, which often focused on how much emphasis the College should give to traditionally marginalized academic voices. Jay Heinrichs, editor of the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine and moderator of the event, opened the panel by saying that while the traditional liberal arts concept has changed, it still focuses on the national elite. Lee said there is a syndrome of "preaching to the choir" at discussion events like last night's panel.


President's quest: Freedman strives for intellectualism


Second in a series of articles about James O. Freedman. Dartmouth's Board of Trustees hired James Freedman as the 15th President of the College with one goal in mind: to improve the intellectual atmosphere of a school that ranked as the least academic of the Ivies. Freedman took over the presidency from David McLaughlin '54, a businessman and CEO without a doctoral degree who was heavily criticized by the faculty for his lack of intellectual leadership. In January 1985, an ad hoc committee formed by the faculty to examine the governance of the College released a report sharply criticizing McLaughlin's leadership style.


Faculty told of provost


At the only full faculty meeting scheduled for this term, College President James Freedman officially announced his selection of Michigan Law School Dean Lee Bollinger to be the next provost. At the meeting, Freedman describing and briefly defended a search process that came up with a short list of four male candidates. The faculty also heard Director of Admission Karl Furstenburg report on the Class of 1997.


Cafe reopens


The Dirt Cowboy Cafe reopened yesterday, a week after owner and manager Thomas Guerra abandoned the coffee house. The cafe was reopened by co-owner David Pambianchi, a New York school teacher who came to Hanover this past weekend after hearing of his partner's reported nervous breakdown and sudden departure. Pambianchi plans to sell the cafe as soon as possible.


Music Prof produces 'Dreams' CD


"To me there is something remarkable about a compact disc, a little circular object zipping around and around in its rectangular box, spinning out sounds and thoughts and dreams -- seemingly forever," said Music Professor Paul Moravec.


Time for maturity at The Review


The time has come for me to join The Dartmouth Review debate. Why do the editors of The Review seem to think that it is fun to offend as many people as possible in order to prove their point that the First Amendment is unassailable? What I find frustrating about The Review is that I often agree with them on Dartmouth issues.


UCLA prof will head biochem dept.


Dr. William Wickner, a cell biologist and medical doctor at the University of California Los Angeles will become the new biochemistry department chair at Dartmouth Medical School July 1. The biochemistry department has been without a regular chair since retired DHMC President Henry Harbury left that position in June 1989.


Women show art


Women artists from the College yesterday transformed drab Alumni Hall into a festive celebration of music, song, food and artwork. At the Women's Resource Center Student Art Exhibit there were etchings, paintings, photographs, poetry and pottery, all produced by women.


Hood exhibit explores a history of the female figure


The Hood Museum of Art's new exhibit, "Crinolines, Bustles, and Tight-Lacing: Creating the Artificial Silhouette," traces women's fashions from the nineteenth century to the early 1900s. The emphasis of the unusual exhibit is on the changing silhouettes created by the underwear and support structures of the time period. The exhibit, displayed in the Harrison gallery, consists of 12 mannequins in various poses depending on their clothing.