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The Dartmouth
July 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


To 'D' or not to 'D'--it's hardly a question


Few places in Hanover are open at 2:30 a.m. Even fewer are buzzing with excitement -- people shouting, phones ringing, computer keys clattering. Welcome to the offices of The Dartmouth, the oldest College newspaper in America. In the fast-paced world of journalism, many of the best and brightest once covered the ins and outs of the country's most selective institutions of higher learning. And Dartmouth is no exception.


Dorm life: there's no place like home


While every dorm has its advantages and disadvantages, regardless of where your dorm is located or how large it is, it's your home for three terms. That first taste of independence could not be sweeter.


Controversy and celebration: '92-'93 revisited


The campus witnessed a tumultuous year of change. There was cause for some lament and some celebration as 1992-93 tried to usher the College into a new era. The year began with a daring call by Student Assembly President Andrew Beebe '93 during Convocation for the Class of 1996 to revolutionize the Greek system.


For your learning pleasure


Obviously you aren't coming to Dartmouth just because it had the best looking brochure highlighting the beautiful campus and countless extracurricular options.


Warning: now entering a hard hat area


Construction and renovation on campus the past two years have been a constant annoyance to students, but the Class of 1997 will see the rewards in its first year, and will not be as greatly inconvenienced in the future. The project most exciting for student life is the new Collis Student Center, scheduled to open this spring.


Let the College tempt your taste buds


Arguably the most difficult task 'shmen face at the beginning of the year is figuring out how to get the most out of a meal plan. Some form of college meal plan is mandatory for all four years, but freshmen have it especially rough because of the complicated "meal equivalency transfer," affectionately known as the "punch" system. Each first-year student must select either a 10- or 14-meal plan, and each week will have that many punches to use up -- otherwise the leftovers will simply vanish after Sunday night.


Remember the past but don't rush into old traditions


All first-year students know that upon entering the world of "college life," they will enter a world that has existed for hundreds of years, through thousands of students, millions of ideas and many traditions. Though the faces of Dartmouth continually evolve and shape to the newest members of its community, there are some aspects of the College that just seem to stick around. From the moment a new student reaches the campus for DOC trips, traditions are evident.


Dartmouth's mean, green social scene


So, you're coming to Dartmouth. Why? For most of you, part of the answer probably lies in the academics and part in the location. Nestled in the Connecticut River Valley, far from bustling cities like Boston and New York, Hanover, New Hampshire is NOT a city that never stops.