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The Dartmouth
September 16, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Greek leaders may kill CFSC


Senior members of the Co-ed Fraternity Sorority Council and presidents of some Greek houses are questioning the future of the council because of a growing concern that the council does not benefit its members. Several house presidents said there is a growing sentiment that the CFSC serves only fraternities.


Cole visits, leaves grudge behind


Former music department chair Bill Cole, who retired in August 1990 after being heckled by The Dartmouth Review, has spent the last three years writing, composing and performing and says he does not regret leaving Dartmouth. In his first visit back to the College, Cole will perform tonight with his jazz group, The Untempered Trio, in Spaulding Auditorium at 8 p.m.


Advising comes under fire, but may see only minor changes


Despite complaints that the College's advising system leaves students afloat without an adviser between freshman year and the declaration of their major during the spring of sophomore year, administrators say they currently have no concrete plans to overhaul the system. But they are looking to make small changes in the advising resources available to students after freshman year, according to Dean of Upperclass Students Dan Nelson. Nelson said the College is working on a way to make advising more accessible to upperclass students, so that all students know where to go for advice. "There is a point in every term where students have to wait two to three weeks for an appointment with a dean," Nelson said.


Teams split funds in response to report


A self study by a committee from the Athletic Department, chaired by Associate Director of Athletics Josie Harper, investigated the issue of gender equality in Dartmouth athletics and the new regulations are affecting teams differently. The committee's report called for the Athletic Department to continue adjusting its programs to ensure equal treatment of male and female athletes. Last year the committee submitted a report examining the policies and procedures of the Athletic Department.


'Where are all the black people?' That's a good question


Last weekend my aunt and her husband came to visit me. I took them for the perfunctory tour around campus on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and like most first-time visitors to Dartmouth, they were struck by its beauty. But as we were walking, my uncle turned to me and said, "Where are all the black people?


Water alarm in Webster


Hanover police and fire officials responded to alarms caused by water surges in the building's fire suppression system at Webster Hall yesterday morning and again at 5:45 p.m. The alarms were triggered by the reconnection of water lines undergoing construction, a spokesman for the fire department said. The water surges caused no damage to the building, a Buildings and Grounds spokesman said.


Choates considered for renovation


An ad hoc committee of the Office of Residential Life has proposed renovations to the Choates dormitories that would create two-room triples and two-room quads by connecting adjoining rooms. The first part of the plan would create several two-room quads by removing the wall between rooms that are now one-room doubles.


Film shows dangers of drinking


Two student-produced films shown yesterday as part of Alcohol Awareness Week illustrated the problems of drinking at Dartmouth. Approximately 20 students attended the screening of "Fighting Drunk" and "Speaking for Ourselves" in Russell Sage/Butterfield cluster's Hyphen lounge. The first short movie, "Fighting Drunk," featured Dartmouth students and students from other colleges talking about their experiences with drinking, violence and sexual assault. Todd Moyer '86 produced the documentary film, which contains footage of violence in fraternity basements and testimony from Dartmouth students who said they participated in an alleged sexual assault incident. Moyer, who narrated the video, was beaten up in a fraternity basement by drunk students while filming the documentary.


Golf places fourth


The women's golf team traveled to the Mount Holyoke Invitational this past Friday. Along the way, they played their best overall golf and placed fourth out of seven teams -- their best finish this season -- as they defeated Ivy rivals Yale and Harvard. "We had our best performance of the season on the first day," Coach Izzy Johnson said.


Controversial murals challenge Hood


In light of the College's decision to open the Hovey's murals up to the public, the Hood Museum of Art faces challenges in creating exhibition space for controversial subject matter. According to Tim Rub, Director of the Hood, the space in the basement of Thayer Hall, which now houses Hovey's Pub, will be transformed into an art gallery under the jurisdiction of the Hood between June and September of next year.


Shipler addresses Arab-Israeli conflict


Former New York Times correspondent and best-selling author David Shipler '64 said yesterday that conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews is a result of both groups' belief that they are victims. The lecture on "The Psychology of Peace" examined the roots of strife between Arabs and Jews. "The situation in Israel is basically that two groups of people have assumed the roles of victims," Shipler said.


The advisers' view of the Greek system


As advisers to the Greek system at Dartmouth, we find the argument of those who oppose the single sex organizations to be arrogant and intolerant. The fraternities and sororities cannot be all the things to all people, nor do they claim to be.


Students need free condoms


I never play the stock market. Aside from lacking even a basic understanding of what all those old, bald, white guys are actually doing when they wave those little pieces of paper at each other on the floor, it just scares me too much when companies like IBM lose half their worth in three months.