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The Dartmouth
October 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’ begins its final season with a blast


Before winter break, I had never seen a single episode of “Game of Thrones,” let alone read one of George R.R. Martin’s novels. By the time break ended, I had seen almost the entire HBO fantasy series, not just because I was enrolled in the winter class, ENGL 53.6, “Game of Thrones: Reimagining Medieval History as an Allegory of the Present” with English and creative writing professor James Dobson, but because it’s the type of show that once you start, it’s near impossible to stop. Once I finished season one, I started season two. Before I knew it, I was one of the many eager fans anticipating the release of season eight.


Author Margaret Atwood delivers lecture on writing and politics


On April 18, Margaret Atwood, a novelist, poet and activist best known for her critically-acclaimed novel and subsequent Emmy award-winning Hulu TV remake “The Handmaid’s Tale,” gave a public lecture at the Spaulding Auditorium through the Dorsett Fellowship Lecture Series, a program that seeks to bring practitioners and scholars of ethics to campus. 


DDS employee raises funds for experimental paralysis treatment


Swiping in and greeting students at ’53 Commons, Dawn Fandino has interacted with most members of the Dartmouth community. Unbeknownst to many people, Fandino has right-side body paralysis from a hemorrhagic stroke she suffered six years ago, which has resulted in life-altering effects for Fandino and her family. 


Film thoughts: everyone has a guilty pleasure film, and it's okay


Everyone loves bad films. We may pretend not to or try to justify this preference, but at the end of the day, we all have at least one guilty pleasure film. Of course, the very notion of a “bad film” is contentious because no method of film criticism has the capacity to be purely objective. That being said, I still contend that everyone has the tendency to love films that we personally deem to be “bad” but elicit a distinct sense of enjoyment in us nonetheless.   


The Weekend Roundup: Week 5


Women's golf finishes second in Ivy League championships, softball bounces back to take its series against Cornell, women's tennis ends its season on a high note and more in this week's Roundup.