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The Dartmouth
October 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Bang! Math professors prove TV show theory about the number 73


A proof co-authored by Dartmouth mathematics professor emeritus Carl Pomerance and Morningside College mathematics professor Chris Spicer appeared on an episode of the television series, “The Big Bang Theory” on April 18. The proof, which was featured on a whiteboard in the background of the show, reveals the uniqueness of the number 73.


Natives at the Museum: Past Imaginaries and Contemporary Realities


Museums originated from Western collectors displaying “artifacts” from other cultures. Indeed, many items in museum collections are there because they were donated by collectors of such “ethnic” artifacts. So, given this early practice of showcasing travels, conquest and wealth, what is the responsibility of the museum today? Do museums have an obligation to educate the public about other cultures and their history?


Alumni donations to fund new NAS professorship, arts programs


College President Phil Hanlon announced earlier this month that as part of Dartmouth’s ongoing “The Call to Lead” capital campaign, large gifts from donors will lead to the creation of a new professorship in the Native American studies program and the revitalization of the College’s Arts district. 


Review: ‘Minimalism’ convinces audiences to focus on happiness


At the beginning of this term, I noticed just how much stuff I had accumulated after several years of dorm life in a boarding school. I have used all of my closets and other storage spaces to the fullest, yet, I still have many books, jackets, random electronic devices and documents on the floor. Sometimes, I struggle to dig out the t-shirt I want to wear because my closet is literally full of clothes; other times I am tripped by the Amazon boxes on the ground or I cannot find the right cable among millions of cables all of which have become so intertwined that they may never be separated from each other. This is what a pair of filmmakers called the “Minimalists” refer to as “clutter.”