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The Dartmouth
September 21, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

UConn squeaks by women's soccer


The women's soccer team opened its season on the wrong end of an overtime thriller, losing to the University of Connecticut 1-0 Sunday afternoon. "It's a tough loss, but it is only one game," Coach Steve Swanson said.


Field hockey splits its first four games


Despite hopes for a strong season led by a crop of excellent juniors, the women's field hockey team split its first four games before heading into league competition this weekend. The Big Green opened its season on the right note, topping Richmond University 3-0 in Richmond, Va.


Wonders of innocence


I decided to lead a Dartmouth Outing Club Trip because, as a senior who had been studying abroad since sophomore summer, I felt that I needed a proper reintroduction to Dartmouth.


Johnson, CS prof, dead


Computer Science Professor Donald Johnson, a brilliant scientist and the creator of Dartmouth's nationally respected computer science program, died September 10 while hiking Mount Cube near Orford, N.H.


Skits portray social issues


Members of the Class of 1998 gathered Sunday night to watch the "Community at Dartmouth" presentation, a series of skits and narratives designed to introduce new students to some of the social issues present on the Dartmouth campus. The program was presented simultaneously at Spaulding Auditorium and at the Collis Center. A group of undergraduate advisors and other students presented skits dealing with issues of race, culture, eating disorders, rape, sexuality and diversity among Dartmouth students. The show included a number of fictional situations that one might be expected to find in college, including rape, alcohol abuse and homosexuality. Members of the Class of 1998 were required to attend the event. In the summer, a committee formed by the Freshman Office planned and organized the content of the two-and-a-half-hour show. One point of contention during the spring was how much time should be devoted to examining sexual assault on the Dartmouth campus.


Lucky rescues unlikely in wild


Bjorn Kilburn '95, an experienced outdoors man and a trained Wilderness First Responder, said speed is imperative if you are going to successfully rescue a heart attack victim on the trail. "I don't know all that went on with professor Johnson's heart attack.


College slips through housing crisis


Despite a housing waitlist that peaked at 400 in May and remained at 278 in July, all students who remained on the list received campus housing due to changes in enrollement patterns and creative housing solutions by the College. During the summer, College administrators scrambled to find solutions to the second consecutive Fall housing crunch by housing students in faculty apartments and converted dormitory lounges and offering incentives to sophomores and juniors to change their enrollment patterns. "The waitlist was reduced through a variety of ways, some people found their own off campus housing, some people we were able to house, some people changed their enrollment pattern and decided to take the term off," said Bud Beatty, associate dean of Residential Life. Sixteen students were assigned to live in College-owned faculty apartments a short distance from campus.


Kick up your heels


It's unmistakably fall at Dartmouth when the first tinges of red and orange appear on the tips of leaves, when swarms of first-year-obs dance the "Salty Dog Rag" at high speed in front of Robinson Hall and the lines at Thayer dining hall stretch out the door. But what is not characteristic of Dartmouth this year is the amazing number of activities the Collis Center, the Freshman Office, the Hopkins Center and the Programming Board planned for incoming students during Orientation Week. Besides the usual lectures, library tours, placement exams and speeches, the College also offered a comedy show, a dance, a 3-D movie and a night of live entertainment at the Hop.


Fiedler '94 may survive final cuts


Jay Fielder '94 did not play Saturday night, but he still might have moved one step closer to making the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League. Fiedler, the Dartmouth varsity quarterback the last three years, is fighting with second-year pro Preston Jones for the Eagle's third-string quarterback spot. Two weeks ago, Fielder completed 9 of 18 passes for 108 yards against the New York Jets, a game that Jones did not play in. Jones was scheduled to play the fourth quarter of the Eagle's Saturday game against the Cincinnati Bengals but did not. Second-string quarterback Bubby Brister played the third and fourth quarters.


House all students


Dartmouth advertises itself as a "residential college." This statement means that the College should guarantee housing for all of its students who wish to be on campus at any given time. Although the College does not guarantee housing anywhere in its rules and regulations, this fall, for the first time in its history, the College will deny housing to about 100 of its students. Because of its housing crunch, the College caused unnecessary difficulties for more than 400 people by making them search for off-campus housing or change their Dartmouth Plans. Dartmouth is located in a rural area, not a large city like Harvard University in Boston or Columbia University in New York City. Because of the College's location, students really have no choice but to live on campus when they are in residence.