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The Dartmouth
October 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Trips program enacted changes to training, programming at Lodge


The Class of 2023 this year chowed down on vegetarian lasagna, lugged blocks of Cabot cheese into the wilderness and struggled to sort out which of their trip leaders’ comments were helpful advice or pranks — much like previous classes of new Dartmouth students. However, there were a number of changes to the First-Year Trips program this year that impacted croolings, trip leaders and trippees alike. 


Review: Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ tells stories of love and loss


Taylor Swift. The name of one of America’s most successful musicians conjures up images of cowgirl boots, sparkly dresses, Twitter feuds and boyfriends. Often the mere mention of Swift induces a chorus of eyerolls or sighs of disgust. Very rarely do conversations about Swift mention her enormous success as a musician, including the fact that her most recent album “Lover” became 2019’s best-selling record in just a week.


Jones: End the House System


After a night out last spring, as I walked from Webster Ave. to Fayerweather Hall, I encountered a strange monument on the sidewalk between the Dickey Center and Baker-Berry Library.