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The Dartmouth
October 13, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

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Recent graduates write COVID-19 children’s book


Children all over the country have been stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of them might not fully understand the reasoning for this quarantine. While this virus might seem daunting to explain for some, Hannah Margolis ’20 saw the pandemic as an exciting opportunity for science education.


College to open external investigation into Alshawi case, student says she will continue hunger strike


The College announced on Tuesday — the 22nd day of Ph.D. student Maha Hasan Alshawi’s hunger strike — that it will launch an external investigation into her harassment allegations against professors in the computer science department. Meanwhile, Alshawi has stated that she will not stop her hunger strike and will also begin a thirst strike, maintaining that she refuses to eat or drink until the external investigation has officially begun.


Anxiety and Anticipation: Kendal Residents, Upper Valley Community Respond to the College’s Reopening Plan


Without a single reported case of COVID-19, Hanover’s Kendal Retirement Community has been lucky in avoiding the reach of the pandemic so far. But with thousands of Dartmouth undergraduates soon to be returning to campus from all over the country and world — some likely to be traveling from infection hotspots — the possibility of spread to the town and to other vulnerable Upper Valley communities like Kendal has become a source of uneasiness.


Sisterhood Through The Ages: The Road To Empowerment?


The first time I played pong was during my freshman spring in the basement of Chi Gam. My partner was a Dartmouth senior, a Chi Gam member and a would-be Masters finalist. He was also my UGA. Thinking back, there was probably no better introduction to the illustrious game of Dartmouth pong. Unless, of course, I had learned in a sorority. But sororities hadn’t been marketed to me as open spaces, I didn’t know any sorority members and for some reason I was thrilled to be invited into a male space.