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The Dartmouth
October 13, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

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Special Issue

Q&A with economics professor Marjorie Rose


As most professors plan fully remote classes for the upcoming fall term, economics professor Marjorie Rose is preparing to teach in person. In fact, her class, ECON 22, “Macroeconomics,” is the only economics class that will have in-person instruction this fall. Rose spoke with The Dartmouth about her thoughts on teaching on campus, as well as how she has spent her time during the pandemic.

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Special Issue

Hidden Gems: Making the Most of Dartmouth’s Resources


It’s been well noted that incoming freshmen will experience an unconventional welcome fall term. The rest of us non-’24s will experience an unconventional welcome back as well, but, while ’21s, ’22s and ’23s have had the luxury of stumbling upon many of Dartmouth’s resources on campus serendipitously (or being handed them during orientation), ’24s likely won’t have that same opportunity. 

Swim meet vs penn vs yale

Swimming and diving team members accuse College of anti-Asian bias


In a letter to the Board of Trustees on Aug. 25, 13 members of the swimming and diving team alleged that the College’s decision in July to cut five sports teams discriminated against Asian athletes. Signers of the letter, after conducting an informal survey of athletes at the College, claim that the program eliminations have reduced the number of Asian athletes at Dartmouth by nearly half.