Langan: The Politics of a Situationship
Eloise Langan '27 explores the complexities of (kind of) going out with someone who just took a class on Derrida.
Eloise Langan '27 explores the complexities of (kind of) going out with someone who just took a class on Derrida.
Connor Norris '25 casts a spell in his latest cartoon.
This Winter Carnival, Eloise Langan '27 gets back to the basics.
Grace Lee '28 is too relatable.
For Jamylle Oliveira '26, the NRO decision is the last line of defense.
It's a two-sided street with Eloise Langan '27.
Grace Lee ’28 conveys that hand-me-down's are often the warmest clothing.
Eloise Langan '27 knows it's only teenage wasteland.
Jamylle Oliveira '26 completes her whole to-do list... until next week.
Eloise Langan '27 shows you who you might be seeing in your film class.
In this cartoon by Thadryan Sweeney GR, a scorpion just can't help itself.
Cartoonist Thadryan Sweeney 'GR, who does cartoons, comments on redundancy.
Gabriel Modisett '25 goes through trials and tribulations.
Eloise Langan '27 issues a warning for Homecoming Weekend.
Eloise Langan '27 checks in from her film class.
Thadryan Sweeney GR illustrates a scene where toxic masculinity meets inefficiency.