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(11/10/17 5:00am)
Recently, Dartmouth announced a clear commitment to address food sustainability throughout campus dining by initiating the formation of a “food working group” comprised of a collective of students, faculty and staff. As one of the students serving in this group, I am as nervous as I am hopeful, and while not jaded, certainly uncertain. I wonder — what would a comprehensive sustainable food action plan look like, and how could we direct our efforts into getting it right?
(06/03/17 8:45pm)
It’s been a wild ride with Dartbeat these past 4 years, watching it evolve slowly but surely. I have forced people to tell me their secrets, and admitted things over the internet that I maybe shouldn’t have. But here we are, week 10, and it’s time for my final article. And, since it’s Dartbeat, it only feels right to write it in list form.
(05/26/17 1:23am)
Ever wondered what SZN you are? Sick of seeing all those Instagram posts because you don’t know which #SZN fit your personality? Now is your chance to understand everything there is to know about yourself. You tell us about your Green Key, and we’ll match you with a SZN.
(05/17/17 7:04pm)
“If you split a 5 Hour Energy, do you get two and a half hours of full energy
or five hours of half energy?”
(05/12/17 4:07pm)
Ahhhh, college. Give a rouse for a liberal arts education and wholesome experiences that have the power to shape you as a person! However, have you ever wondered just how much these experiences have changed how you see the world? Fear not, for I can assure you that Dartmouth experiences have definitely changed you for the better.
(05/03/17 11:39am)
Need help drafting that perfect flitz? Have no fear, Dartbeat
is here! Here are six different types of flitzes you’ll find in circulation that
will help you craft your own. Get inspired and let your creative juices flow.
Feel free to mix and match but remember that fortune favors the bold. Happy
(04/23/17 11:42pm)
Find My Friends, aka the best app creation known to man, has steadily blossomed into a way for friends (and enemies) alike to track the every location, whereabouts and habits of anyone who you can get to share their location with you. Some people might be hesitant to join in the fun (is it creepy?), but let it be known that using Find My Friends is neither creepy nor invasive in any way. We've all had those desperate moments when we want food from Late Night but cannot bear to meander from the cozy comfort that is a dorm bed. No need to fear, though - hit up Find My Friends and extort that one softie you know will come through with Mac n' Cheese bites when you really need them. In addition to the classic food bearer, however, there are some other people you could really benefit from having on 24/7 location sharing - trust me:
(04/20/17 6:55pm)
Now that Easter and Passover are over, it’s time for the unholy holiday that everyone has been waiting for. We all know you’re going to ignore that New Hampshire is a little bit behind the times, so here are some ways to celebrate Hanover style.
(04/16/17 6:31pm)
Everyone has that one quirk that comes out while drinking. Some people start singing, some people start speaking their truth, some people consistently start disrobing. Me? I start asking people to tell me their deepest, darkest secrets. To be fair, I do this sober all the time. It is, unfortunately, my go-to icebreaker. I guess it’s an ice breaker in the sense that the Titanic was an ice breaker — ya, maybe some ice is broken, but mostly it is a horrible disaster.
(04/14/17 3:28am)
For a freshman entering college for the first time, the adjustment from high school can often feel overwhelming. There are so many new experiences that it can be difficult to balance classes, social life and extracurricular activities. Some might argue that figuring out your future should be your priority at Dartmouth, but I would say that an equally (if not more) important task is keeping up with the lingo. No one liked having to ask their cool trip leader what getting “golden tree’d” is, and so to help our incoming ’21s maintain the illusion of not being the worst class ever, here is a quick guide to the Dartmouth slang they might encounter at Dimensions and beyond.
(04/11/17 4:21pm)
I don’t know about you guys, but 17W's Dartmouth Idol was probably the highlight of my day/week/month/year/life not only because of the insane talent, but also because of a couple cuties who, I swear, were singing directly to me. The life changing experience prompted the thought: What other reality TV shows could potentially thrive at Dartmouth?
(04/10/17 12:41am)
There are two types of people in this world: those who are facetimey, and everyone else. Even when it seems like the entire campus and their prospies are in the KAF line post-10As or every machine in the gym is occupied, there are some elusive folks you just never see around. And, of course, your crush happens to be one of them. Perhaps the mystery adds to the allure, perhaps you just don’t know enough about them yet to know their daily habits and frequent locales, but you saw them in the Collis pasta line that one time and you’ve been infatuated ever since. It’s difficult to play hard-to-get when they’re hard-to-find, but with these tried-and-true methods, you won’t have to Foco squat in desperation to finally have that long-awaited interaction.
(03/05/17 5:01pm)
’19: “It’s a lot of effort to go to an event like that not drunk.”’17: “It’s a lot of effort to do a lot of things not drunk.”
(01/27/17 2:00pm)
'20: "I'm pissed about the napkins so last night I stole a dispenser from Collis when I was drunk."
(01/19/17 8:31pm)
Winter can be a tough time for everyone – it’s questionably too cold to go out (but everyone does it anyways), definitely too cold to be productive and just cold enough that the ice sticks around and makes all of campus a hazard for treacherous falls. But don’t fret – there are so many ways to put your winter woes behind you and learn to truly ~thrive~ and not just survive 17W!
(01/19/17 3:00pm)
Breaking: Dartmouth students angry because the making of that thing they didn’t want to participate in is being taken away from them! This past Friday we all opened our blitz to some expected earth-shattering news: The Winter Carnival snow sculpture has been cancelled due to, among other reasons, “declining involvement from the student body at large.” (Ooh, drag me, Winter Carnival committee.) This ultimately resulted in some strongly worded grumbles like “what will we Instagram Week Six?” and “Lest the old traditions fail, etc., etc.”
(01/10/17 5:15am)
Let’s start out with a really simple question: what’s the most common occupation in the United States? We’ll end with a Ronald Reagan ’84 presidential campaign commercial — but more on that later. The answer, as it turns out, is either long-haul trucker or retail salesperson, depending on how you sort the data. But that’s probably not what you thought it’d be, so we have to ask another question: what things are fundamentally American?
(11/10/14 11:33pm)
The College will transition away from No. 6 heating oil — an inexpensive but environmentally harmful fuel source — following last weekend’s approval by the Board of Trustees. Though a timeline has not been formalized, the College plans to abandon No. 6 fuel by 2018, campus planning and facilities vice president Lisa Hogarty said.
(11/10/14 11:25pm)
In 2012, Paul Finkelstein ’13 ran for Grafton County sheriff and lost. This Election Day, Michael Wopinski ’15 fared better, and was appointed to Grafton County register of probate.
(11/05/14 1:38am)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., defeated Republican challenger Scott Brown in a tight race Tuesday. Gov. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., was re-elected to a second term as Governor, beating Republican businessman Walt Havenstein. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster ’78, D-N.H., defeated Marilinda Garcia to keep her seat in the House of Representatives, and Republican Frank Guinta, beat Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, D-N.H., to regain the seat he lost to her in 2012.