18 Questions for the 18s

By Casey Lewis | 4/18/14 4:00am

With the new, less conspicuous, spread-out Dimensions schedule, prospie spotting (covered in depth in a recent post by Samantha Webster ’15) is now more along the lines of "’18s, they're just like us" than akin to seeing a unicorn on campus. Regardless, there's something magical about beings who have yet to drink the green Kool-Aid. With that in mind, here are some questions I would like to ask the ’18s.

1. What's your favorite shade of green?

We all know the best part about going to Dartmouth is that forest (aka "lone pine") green is universally flattering.

2. What is Dartmouth's mascot?

No, really, I want to know.

3. What are you most excited for at college?

Are you more excited for no parents or midnight mozz sticks and tenders? It's a constant competition. After all, parents help with laundry and give much-needed (and oft-ignored-before-it’s-too-late) life advice. But tenders...

4. Which Boston suburb, Westchester town or California city do you hail from?

More often than not, Dartmouth students call one of those geographic areas home. Boston may be wicked awesome, but NorCal is hella cool. New York slang is beyond my comprehension.

5. What are you going to do with your last summer that doesn’t “matter”?

Just feel lucky that you did not have to go through corporate recruiting (yet). And enjoy hanging out with your high school friends before seeing each other becomes a logistical nightmare due to Dartmouth’s D-Plan and quarter system. At least you’ll have sophomore summer at Camp Dartmouth to make up for it.

6. Are you planning on touching the fire when you run around the Homecoming bonfire?

Don't play with fire, kids, you might get burned. Or arrested by HPo.

7. Alternatively, are you planning on running all 118 laps?

You better start training now if you are going to beat my 115, which was possibly my greatest achievement of freshman year. I peaked early.

8. Which frat do you plan on schmobbing the Monday after Homecoming?

TriKap has freeze, but AD smells better. It's a toss up.

9. What do you picture when you hear the word "pong"?

If it is the 1970s-era computer game that you have to program in introductory computer science courses, you're wrong.

10. Which news source is most often horrifyingly quoted when you say you're going to Dartmouth?

Chances are it’s no longer Rolling Stone, since HuffPo, the Wall Street Journal and apparently the Washington Post are giving it a run for its money. Fingers crossed you're hearing more about our "top undergraduate teaching" from US News and World Report.

11. When did the snow melt this year?

Trick question! It snowed on Wednesday. Welcome to New Hampshire! It's a cold state, but there are those who love it. I am currently not one of them.

12. Can you name the Dartmouth Seven?

"What are those? …the libraries?"

13. What are you planning on majoring in?

Talk to me in four years.

14. In which library space do you plan on inadvertently falling asleep for hours on end, and waking up having no idea what time it is?

If you're lucky, you can appear in the campus blotter like the prospie who fell asleep in Sanborn. #dreambig

15. Who is your go-to "Guess whoalsowent to Dartmouth" celebrity?

Mindy Kaling, Rachel Dratch or Dr. Seuss? Or Coach Taylor's wife on “Friday Night Lights”? There are someB-listers as well, like TimothyGeithner — what does that guy do anyway?

16. Define UGA, blitz,flitz and FoCo.

My parents still make fun of me for our lack of proper English language terms.

17. What's your favorite bathroom on campus?

Everyone has one. It’s obviously the single bathroom between KAF and the Periodicals. If you didn’t check it out during Dimensions, you must have it be your first stop on move-in day.

And most importantly:

18. Who's the star of the Class of 2018 Facebook page?


Casey Lewis