14 Things You Should Have Named Your 14S Facebook Album
The start of a new term means new classes, a new season and a new Facebook album, seeing as last term’s album somehow collected an absurd 400 photos in nine weeks. Maybe you should stop posting all of those Snapchat screenshots, maybe you should stop drunk-uploading terribly blurry selfies, or maybe you should change nothing and dive into filling up another amazing album. But what to name it? You probably went with an inside joke or the classic 14S, but these titles would have been much more truthful:
1. 14SoWhenIsTheSnowMelting?
3. 14SendMeTheLayupListPlease
4. 14ShouldIInvestInAPairOfZipOffPants?
8. 14Skip5WeeksToGreenKeyPlease
9. 14SenioritisIsContagious
10. 14SexingUpYourCrushBeforeSummerRuinsEverything
11. 14Shameful
12. 14SeriouslyWhyIsThisTitleLongerThanMyFinalPaperLastTerm?
13. 14StopTimeFromMovingSoFast
14. 14SayingGoodbyes