FoCo Joe: A Bittersweet Treat

By Joseph Kind, The Dartmouth Staff | 3/7/14 5:00am

As the winter term comes to a close, I am once again bombarded with that peculiar mix of emotions associated with tying the final knots together. Classes are winding down, finals are upon us and as I reflect on the past nine weeks I think of both the good and the bad. The term “bittersweet” is so easy to throw around at this time of term, and with good reason – as sad as I am to see the term conclude, I also feel ready for what the spring has in store. What better way to celebrate the accomplishments of this term than with a dessert that encompasses all the feelings one can possibly have about a term? To bring my long, borderline egregious intro to a close — my inspiration for this final post is to create something “bittersweet”. Perhaps easier said than done, yes, but bear with me. After all, it’s the thought that counts!

The first thing I think of when I hear the word bittersweet is chocolate. Fun fact – according to my research, bittersweet chocolate refers to sweetened dark chocolate made without any milk.

The second thing I think of when I hear bittersweet is the Passover Seder, in which Jews eat both bitter herbs called “maror” and “charoset,” a sweet paste-like dish made with fruits, nuts and cinnamon. The bitter herbs are meant to symbolize the bitterness of slavery, in reference to the many years that Jewish people served as slaves in Egypt, while the charoset is evocative of the mortar material used to build houses and pyramids in Egypt. The charoset (pronounced, predictably, with that thick Hebrew “ch” sound—‘CXHahrohset’) recipe varies across Jewish communities around the world.

My dessert incorporates these flavors with apples, chocolate syrup and granola. These basic ingredients come together nicely to form a relatively healthy and mindful dessert – chocolate granola-dipped apple slices.

Start off by cutting the apple into slices – the way I was taught to do this at home was to stand the apple vertically and then proceed to cut triangular, flower petal-esque pieces. The slices do not have to be perfect, nor does the apple have to be red or green (or something in between). Just make sure you find the apple of your eye!

Next fill about a quarter of a cup with granola. Add the chocolate fudge (over by the soft serve) into the cup and stir together until you get a thicker texture. More chocolate is probably a good idea for this one, especially if you want a real spread for the apple slices.

Once mixed sufficiently, dip the apple slices into the mixture and boom! It’s like dynamite. This dessert is a simple cure for any exam-period blues, which trust me, are well on their way. At least the spring is almost here!


Joseph Kind, The Dartmouth Staff