The Great 14W Countdown

By Samantha Webster, The Dartmouth Staff | 2/26/14 3:00am

All good things must come to an end. And regardless of whether you classify 14W as having been “good,” it doesn’t change the fact that we are currently in week 8…out of 9. So whether you’re already hitting the books or dusting off your heels and heading to formal, we can all agree that things are getting a little bit crazy. Those who find themselves exasperated by the term are counting down the days until spring break while some are anxiously anticipating the start of 14S. Deadlines may be approaching but with each day that passes we’re getting a little bit closer to some of the good stuff.

Days until the last day of finals period (last day is March 14): 15 days

Are our profs even aware of this? The amount of work I have to do is definitely not matching up with the amount of time we have left. The library is getting overcrowded with people, coats and empty coffee cups, and the days have a weird way of feeling both endless and too short. Luckily we only have 15 left.

Days until Spring Break (starts March 15): 16 days

Whether you have plans to head off somewhere exotic with friends or spend every day in an exclusive relationship with Netflix, I think we’ll all be relieved when break finally rolls around.

Regular decision acceptances come out (March 29): 30 days

This cannot be real. I refuse to believe that the class that will be freshmen when I graduate will exist. I am in full denial that the early decision ‘18s have already been chosen and are probably walking through the halls of their high schools in all kinds of Dartmouth gear, making the rest of the kids do the group project for once because they’ve already gotten into college.

Dimensions (April 11, 16, or 24): 43, 48, or 56 days

If you can figure out what thismeans, more power to you. It looks like prospies will have three options for when they want to visit Dartmouth. So it’s anyone’s guess how the show will happen and/or be protested and/or ever stop having inappropriate dance moves.

Pigstick/Derby Weekend (May 10): 72 days

Everyone knows that the weekend before Green Key > Green Key. Since Pigstick and Derby are on the same day, what could possibly constitute a better weekend? With live music and volleyball in the backyard of AXA, this spring Saturday is perfection.

Days until Green Key (Wednesday May 14): 76

We might remain mystified about the exact purpose of Green Key, but almost everyone can agree that it’s the best opportunity to wear a pretty sundress and take a ton of pictures. It’s the perfect way to provide photo evidence for our friends back home that Hanover is in fact a habitable town where we can go outside for at least part of the year. It could also provide a bit of a defense for those people who ask you where you go to school and proceed to say “Oh, Dartmouth? It must get so cold there!” Yes, and that was the only relevant information we used when deciding where to get an undergraduate education.

Commencement (June 7): 100 Days

Someone pass me a box of Kleenex. The most I can muster to write here is the following: Dear ‘14s, please don’t leave us.

14X Begins (June 19) 112 days

You’ve been hearing about it since you toured Dartmouth as a prospie with random students yelling “Come to Dartmouth!” at you. The famous term that is sophomore summer will soon be a reality for the ‘16s. The summer ahead will be filled with new leadership roles, deluding yourself into thinking that astro is a layup and realizing that this will be the peak of your pong abilities.

Homecoming 14F (October 17): 232 days

Alumni will return home from roaming around the girdled earth. Students on their off terms will brave trips to get back to the College on the Hill. There will be fire. There will be running. There will be heckling. And all will be right with the world.

Days until TDX is off probation (June 2016): 825 days

It remains unclear if this will in fact ever happen but I’m sure that TDX enjoys using the money that would otherwise be spent supplying Keystone to the masses.

Samantha Webster, The Dartmouth Staff