Students helping students: Peer advising and mentoring

By Diana Ming | 9/5/12 6:00am

One of the best ways to learn about Dartmouth and how to succeed here is from the students who were in your shoes not too long ago —upperclassmen. Upperclassmen can be great resources to offer insight and practical advice about how to do Dartmouth right, or at least how to make your transition to college a little easier.

There are a wide variety of peer mentoring groups offered on campus to help you connect to ’15s, ’14s and ’13s from all facets of campus who may share similar interests, backgrounds or experiences as you.

Here are a few of the mentoring and peer advising programs available. To learn more about these programs or to get involved, email them at the addresses listed below each description.


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International Student Mentor Program offers support and assistance to incoming international students to help them get familiarized with Dartmouth, Dartmouth culture and attending college in the United States. Ten international and American Dartmouth students are chosen as mentors who welcome international students to campus and help them get settled, as well as offer support and friendship.

First Year Student Enrichment Program is a five-day pre-orientation program and a year-long peer mentoring program for students who are among the first in their family to attend a four-year college. The program includes workshops, activities and seminars designed to help these students prepare for life at Dartmouth and the challenges they may face in their first year at college.

Student Assembly First Year Mentor Program is undergoing its pilot year and will be offered to 200 first-year students living in Fahey-McLane. Upperclassman mentors will be individually paired with incoming students to help freshmen adapt to college life, academically and socially.

First Generation Network is a support network started in 2008 by the Office of Pluralism and Leadership made up of over 100 students, faculty and staff. The network meets through community dinner gatherings and smaller group settings to discuss life as first-generation college students.

Women in Science Project is a program that matches first-year women to upperclasswomen based on mutual interests in science, math and/or engineering. First-year students can get to know science-oriented upperclasswomen through the program who can offer guidance and advice about classes, majors and other related topics.

OUTreach Peer Mentors help students develop a positive LGBTQ identity by offering students resources, information and support to discuss their sexuality and what being LGBTQ at Dartmouth is like. OUTeach establishes mentorships with varying degrees of privacy and values peer confidentiality.

Peer Advising

Drug and Alcohol Peer Advisors

Sexual Abuse Peer Advisorsis another Dick’s House-sponsored group that is made up of students who have undergone extensive training to serve as resources for students who have experienced or been confronted with issues of sexual abuse or partner violence. SAPAs offer information, referral services and support to the entire Dartmouth community.

Eating Disorder Peer Advisorsserve as resources to students with concerns about themselves or others regarding eating disorders, disordered eating and nutrition. It is sponsored by Dick’s House. Like DAPAs and SAPAs, EDPAs are thoroughly trained and also are involved in a number of programming events to raise awareness about these issues.

Sexpertsare peer education advisors that offer information, campus programming and individual advising on issues of healthy sexuality, STIs and contraception. Also sponsored by Dick’s House, Sexperts are trained students.

Happy mentoring!

Diana Ming