The Hook Up: Oral for everyone!

By Kate Taylor | 3/1/12 4:44pm


Oral sex how-to guides are a go-to for sex­ual jour­nal­ists.

Dart­mouth even has a few of its own, in­clud­ing the fa­mous/in­fa­mousAu­rora’s Guide to Eat­ing Out, which I highly rec­om­mend.

How­ever, such columns often lead to de­bate, usu­ally be­cause some­one feels ig­nored. Often, one gen­der feels like its own needs are being ne­glected. Oth­ers say that the guide sim­ply doesn’t apply to them (the range of what peo­ple want in oral is pretty amaz­ing, in both the ex­cit­ing and con­fus­ing senses of amaz­ing). Un­for­tu­nately for me, but for­tu­nately for you all, I’m some­one who likes to try and please every­one. Thus, I’ve com­piled a list of the most uni­ver­sal as­pects of good oral sex I could find.

  1. En­thu­si­asmDon’t go down with a bad at­ti­tude. If you don’t want to, for what­ever rea­son, then just don’t — co­erced con­sent is not okay. How­ever, if you’re down for it, oral can be an awe­some op­por­tu­nity to make your part­ner feel re­ally good and can be pretty fun for you. Show your part­ner that turn­ing them on turns you on through eye con­tact, ver­bal cues, how you move your body — you get the pic­ture. En­thu­si­asm is sexy, and it makes up for a cer­tain lack of fi­nesse. A lit­tle en­cour­age­ment (oh god yes!) from up above can be a nice re­minder that your part­ner’s mouth is on the right track as well.
  2. An­tic­i­pa­tionTease your part­ner, putting off im­me­di­ate di­rect stim­u­la­tion to make the pay off even more re­ward­ing. It’s like a movie that you’ve seen be­fore — even if you know the end­ing, with­out a lit­tle dra­matic ten­sion, it’s going to fall flat.
  3. Hands OnFirst, cut your nails and re­move any po­ten­tially dan­ger­ous rings. Then, re­mem­ber even if your mouth is hard at work, you can still keep your hands busy. When eat­ing out, this can mean work­ing the G-spot with a few fin­gers (use the beck­on­ing “come hither” mo­tion, to stim­u­late the G-spot, a rough patch lo­cated a few inches in­side the vagina’s open­ing) while orally suck­ing/tongu­ing/hum­ming on the cli­toris. For blowjobs, one pos­si­bil­ity is to use your hands to con­tinue a hand job-es­que pump­ing, while your mouth is fo­cused on the balls or the head of the penis. Or, use your hand and mouth in tan­dem to be able to deal with more of the dick at once. Use your imag­i­na­tions. Va­ri­ety is the spice of life — and oral sex! Feel free to keep switch­ing it up until you find a move that re­ally gets your part­ner going.
  4. Per­se­ver­anceOf course, you can change your mind about what you want to be doing at any time, and you should have a part­ner who re­spects this. How­ever, if you de­cide you want to be in for the long haul, re­al­ize it might take longer than you think. Not every­one is going to cum from oral sex every time, or any time for some peo­ple. That’s com­pletely fine. A “kill move” — sus­tained stim­u­la­tion, up and down on the shaft with a more con­stant rhythm, or on the clit, with sim­i­lar rub­bing pat­terns — can be en­cour­age­ment if the other per­son is close to or­gasm.

I’m sure a num­ber of peo­ple still will not like this ar­ti­cle. Some peo­ple may not want oral sex tips in their Dart­beat, which is fine. At the same time, I don’t think there’s much wrong with being en­thu­si­as­tic, en­cour­ag­ing an­tic­i­pa­tion, being hands on, or per­se­ver­ing in all areas of one’s life. So, for the sake of who­ever you do or do not go down on next, keep these nuggets of knowl­edge in your mind.

Kate Taylor