Stuff Dartmouth Kids Like: Who Let the Dogs Out?

By Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff | 2/1/12 8:21pm


Ah, dogs. Not only are they man’s best friend, but stud­ies have also shown that theirpresencecan help with re­cov­ery from post-trau­matic stress dis­or­der to deal­ing with de­pres­sion. Many of Dart­mouth’s fra­ter­ni­ties own dogs — I as­sume — both be­cause every­one loves dogs and be­cause girlsre­allylove pup­pies. But of course these dogs aren’t the only fran­i­mals. We’ve in­cluded Psi U’s kit­ten, but ham­sters, snakes, tur­tles and chin­chillas also num­ber among the frat pets. (More pho­tos can be foundhere).

Also, be­cause I want to know how many peo­ple read this col­umn (I’m guess­ing me, my­self and I), I’m in­clud­ing thissur­vey. Vote for your fa­vorite dog! I’ll an­nounce the re­sults next week.

Alpha Delta

The broth­ers of AD get a new dog every sum­mer. They cur­rently have two — Harry and Boone — who can often be seen loung­ing on the lawn. When we went to AD, their dogs were there to greet us sev­eral min­utes be­fore any­one an­swered the door, and, let me tell you, they are adorable and friendly.



Harry(golden re­triever)

Age:9 months

Ac­cord­ing to Lawrence Anfo Whyte ’13, Harry is quite the “sneaky bas­tard.” If you’re eat­ing food around Harry, it’s not un­com­mon for him to wait until you’ve fin­ished and snipe your left­overs as soon as you’re gone.​Harry had surgery on his right shoul­der this fall but is now fully re­cov­ered and ready to go back to play­ing his fa­vorite game, fetch.

Boone(Bernese moun­tain dog)

Age:20 months

Fun fact about Boone: he doesn’t play catch. If you throw some­thing to him, he will fetch it like any other dog, but he won’t bring it back. Also, ap­par­ently he “doesn’t care about human be­ings,” what­ever that means. Though he can be a "tad pro­tec­tive," he is just "a big teddy bear," Alexan­der Kurth ’13 said. Boone just learned to swim, and he led a hike to the top of Mount Cardi­gan at the end of 11X.

-Cour­tesy of Whyte and Alexan­der Kurth ’13

Sigma Alpha Ep­silon

It took awhile for us to calm SAE’s puppy down for a pic­ture, but once David Sil­ver ’12 brought out a treat, Sam­son sat down in the blink of an eye. Sil­ver is charged with tak­ing care of Sam­son, but since the dog tech­ni­cally be­longs to the ’13s, SAE doesn’t yet know which brother will grad­u­ate with Sam­son.



Sam­son(golden re­triever)

Age:8 months

De­scribed as “friendly,” Sam­son was def­i­nitely the most en­er­getic dog we had the plea­sure of meet­ing. He loves to watch foot­ball with the SAEs. A fast learner, Sam­son quickly learned basic com­mands and how an In­vis­i­ble Fence works. Sam­son also loves cud­dling with Jay Web­ster '13, who lives in Room 3 with both Sam­son and Sil­ver.

Web­ster is a mem­ber of The Dart­mouth Se­nior Staff.

-Cour­tesy of Sil­ver

Phi Delta Alpha

The broth­ers of Phi Delt are the proud own­ers of Wat­son, the newest ad­di­tion to the Web­ster Ave ca­nine clan. Al­though I didn’t see Wat­son out and about the last cou­ple of times I was there, Buddy is a sta­ple on the first floor, where he can usu­ally be seen sleep­ing on the couches. All of Phi Delt’s dogs have the last name McKen­zie in honor of Alexan­der McKen­zie, the ar­chi­tect of their house.



Buddy(golden re­triever)

Age:14 months

The first thing Sam Lewis ’13 told me about Buddy was that he “likes to sit in pud­dles.” Also, he loves cups. Buddy is so pro­tec­tive of his newest brother that he sleeps out­side Wat­son’s room every night. And don’t be fooled by Buddy’s ap­par­ent lethargy — when we were tak­ing pho­tos, he leapt right over Wat­son. The guy has a two-foot ver­ti­cal! It’s in­tim­i­dat­ing.

Wat­son(black Lab)

Age:3 months

Diminu­tive and adorable, Wat­son is set­tling into his new home well. Though well-be­haved most of the time, like many a small child, he wakes up the broth­ers pretty early in the morn­ing.

-Cour­tesy of Lewis, Matt Gal­lira ’12, Max Gold­berg ’12 and Rob Brett ’14

Psi Up­silon

So Psi U ac­tu­ally has a bunch of pets. In ad­di­tion to their cat Henry, they have a chin­chilla and sev­eral snakes. It took Pete Ankeny ’12 about ten min­utes of me­ow­ing and treat-bag-shak­ing to find Henry, but after we lo­cated the elu­sive cat, it was well worth the wait. Fun fact: Henry is not Psi U’s first house­cat — the ’09s also had one.



Henry(frat cat)

Age:8 months

Henry was res­cued from the Hu­mane So­ci­ety at four months old and only two pounds. The best way to find him is to meow, and broth­ers often end up walk­ing around the house me­ow­ing at each other, think­ing they’re get­ting a re­sponse from Henry, Pete Ankeny ’12 said. Henry loves to sur­prise peo­ple by hid­ing in draw­ers they’ve left open, and he is re­ally good at an iPad game de­signed for cats that ba­si­cally in­volves him tap­ping lit­tle red dots. Also, don’t try to hold him. He will jump out of your hands.

-Cour­tesy of Pete Ankeny ’12

Theta Delta Chi

Theta Delt cur­rently has three dogs, the high­est con­cen­tra­tion on cam­pus. When­ever one dog is “re­tired,” the house gets a new black Lab, Fer­gus Camp­bell ’12 said. Franklin is the baby, and he’s set­tling in just fine.



Sam­son(black Lab)

Age:2 years

The Greek sys­tem’s other Sam­son is the most en­er­getic of Theta Delt’s dogs and a “hell of an ath­lete,” Jor­dan Weiss­man ’12 said. It cer­tainly seemed like it. Sam­son never stopped run­ning the en­tire time we were at the house, and ap­par­ently when­ever he hears a noise, he al­ways needs to go in­ves­ti­gate it.

Mur­phy(black Lab) (not pic­tured)

Age:4 years

The old­est and largest in the Theta Delt clan, Mur­phy is the re­laxed one of the group, and he al­ways has his broth­ers’ backs. Over the ’12s’ Sopho­more Sum­mer, stu­dents would hang out on the docks even though they were closed. When an S&S of­fi­cer ar­rived to shut down the tan­ning, Mur­phy, who was drag­ging a log out of the river, sud­denly pulled the log hard enough to sweep there of­fi­cer’s legs out from under him. Now there’s a frat­star.

Franklin(black Lab)

Age:14 weeks

Franklin is not yet house­bro­ken, and en­joys leav­ing “sur­prises” for the broth­ers to find. He also has a pen­chant for car­ry­ing off in­di­vid­ual socks, and at one point the Theta Delt lawn was cov­ered with Franklin’s sock col­lec­tion.

-Cour­tesy of Fer­gus Camp­bell ’12 and Jor­dan Weiss­man ’12

Gamma Delta Chi

GDX’s dogs used to trash broth­ers’ rooms dur­ing par­ties until the fra­ter­nity des­ig­nated one room the “dog room.” Though GDX just got both dogs re­cently — one last spring and the other this fall — both dogs will likely grad­u­ate with the ’12s. Baloo and Jerry were right at the door to greet us and were two of the friend­liest dogs we met.



Jerry(Eng­lish black Lab)

Age:around 2 years

Jerry was a res­cue dog, adopted in Miami. The more laid­back of the two dogs, Jerry will likely be grad­u­at­ing with Con­ner Kempe ’12. Jerry ini­tially had trou­ble ad­just­ing to a fra­ter­nity en­vi­ron­ment, but he is now right at home at GDX.




Age:1 year, 3 weeks

Named after the bear inThe Jun­gle Book, Baloo lives up to his name­sake. He is the “hyper and out­go­ing” one of the two. Baloo and Jerry are col­lec­tively known to the broth­ers of GDX as the “Weiner Boys” be­cause they are al­ways fight­ing and “gen­er­ally being a bunch of teenagers.”

-Cour­tesy of Con­ner Kempe ’12

Kappa Kappa Kappa

Tri-Kap’s dog, though not the biggest dog we met, was def­i­nitely one of the smartest. He can al­ready shake with both hands (paws?)andfetch. Ac­tu­ally, he doesn’t re­ally play fetch — kind of like Boone, he will go get the stick you just threw to him but he won’t bring it back.



Hamil­ton Chase(Hun­gar­ian vizsla)

Age:7 months

A true Dart­mouth man, high-en­ergy Hamil­ton loves to play with his fa­vorite toy, a plush moose. His fa­vorite place is the Tri-Kap li­brary, where he often sleeps. He loves to smell things and is eas­ily dis­tracted. A quick learner, Hamil­ton knows where all his fa­vorite broth­ers live and often vis­its them in their rooms.

-Cour­tesy of Trey Hunt ’12, Paul Wag­dalt ’13 and Hec­tor Lopez ’12

Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff