Stuff Dartmouth Kids Like: Meme-ing and Dartmouthness
First things first — the results of the frat dog survey are in! Samson (SAE) won with 49 percent of the vote, with Buddy and Watson (Phi Delt) coming in second (34.7 percent) and third (30.6 percent), respectively.
Now, I would like to make two disclaimers. First, I realized that I don’t really know what a meme is. I get that it’s some kind of internet joke, but after writing this article, I Googled “memes” and none of the stuff that came up was anything like what I had written. Second, in the spirit of flattery by imitation, I would like to give credit for this week’s title to Mirror columnist Kip Dooley '12, even though I didn’t ask him for permission to adapt his column’s title to my own purposes. Meta, right?
Sh#t Dartmouth kids say
On food:- I’ve been on the pasta line for like, an HOUR. - Where did Homeplate go? - What is up with these nuggets? - We need to go to FoCo, I have to get rid of these meal swipes. - I’m really trying to get in shape this term. Whatever, let’s go to the Hop. - Wait, call EBAs NOW so it’ll get here when we get home.
On character:- What house is he in? - Is he on a team? - Did he get tapped? - Yeah, I went to Exeter. - Yeah, I’m from New York City.
On drinking:- I still have next, right? - Dude, we party SO much harder than, like, Harvard. - I can outdrink all my friends from home. - They’re totally going to win M@sters. - You’ve never peed your bed? Weird.
On academics:- I am so not making it to my 10A. - Wait, we had an x-hour? - Greenprint’s broken again?? - Does anyone know any easy thirds? I still need my CI.
On everything else:- OMG he blitzed me back! How long should I wait before I respond?? - Where did you get that onesie? I’ve been looking for one. - Okay, I need vampire fangs, earmuffs, neon spandex, a construction vest and leg warmers for tails tonight. Anyone have any of that?
The Planking Seven (is this even still a thing?)
- Be the median of a pong table.
- On top of the snow sculpture.
- AD’s roof.
- The middle of the crosswalk.
- The new FoCo sandwich bar. No one will notice.
- The bar. Any frat.
- On top of an S&S car. Extra points if you can convince HPo.
Asians Sleeping In The Library
This one really speaks foritself.