Reboot and Rally: Save Money Online

By Chad Hollis, The Dartmouth Staff | 2/3/12 9:00pm



The worst part about every Win­ter term for me is my lack of cash. I spend way too much money of EBAs, Key­stone Light and scor­pion bowls from the Ori­ent. I thought about giv­ing up one of my fa­vorite pas­times, but I couldn’t let one go. In­stead, I de­vised a few (legal) ways to save money in my dig­i­tal life. I hope these help you out.

  1. **Rent Dig­i­tal Text­books**

I used to not buy my text­books be­cause I didn’t want to pay $150-$400 every term. I soon learned that my GPA didn’t like this strat­egy. As soon as I was about to sub­mit, I learned about dig­i­tal text­book rentals. Re­sources such as Amazon.​com andiTuneshave bought mass li­censes to text­books and they sell tem­po­rary elec­tronic ver­sions of the books to stu­dents for a set amount of time.

Let’s be real, how many times are you going to refer to that Physics 3/4 text­book after you’re done with the class? Dig­i­tal rentals are cheap and con­ve­nient. You sim­ply log into the site, state how long you want the book, then down­load it. The best part is that both Ama­zon and Apple let you down­load the book to portable de­vices such as kin­dles, tablets, An­droid Phones and iPads. If you don’t like read­ing on elec­tronic screens, you’re out of luck, but this is a great op­tion for peo­ple who want to save money. I saved over $100 by rent­ing my Econ 20 book on Ama­zon this term.

**2. Lis­ten toSpo­tify**If you are a music lover, Spo­tify is the per­fect so­lu­tion to (legally) get all the music you want at a great price. For only 10 bucks a month, you can lis­ten to al­most any song as long as you have an in­ter­net con­nec­tion. The pro­gram in­te­grates with Face­book so you can see what your friends are lis­ten­ing too and even lis­ten to the exact same song at the exact same sec­ond. There is also a Spo­tify app so you can lis­ten to your fa­vorite music on the go.

An­other cool Spo­tify fea­ture is that you can cre­ate playlists. You can have your own playlist or cre­ate a group playlist with your friends. You can then use Face­book or Twit­ter to share these playlists so every­one can know what awe­some taste you have in music. Ba­si­cally, Spo­tify is Pan­dora on steroids.

**3. WatchNet­flix**

If you’re a movie lover and you can’t af­ford to buy the newest re­leases off of iTunes, Net­flix will be your savoir. Al­though it doesn’t get new re­leases when they come out on DVD, the wealth of movies, TV shows and stand-up com­edy acts will keep you en­ter­tained for a long time, and it’s only eight bucks a month. For less than a bag of pop­corn and a drink at a the­ater, you can enjoy thou­sands of movies from the com­fort of your home. Ad­di­tion­ally, Net­flix has an app for all iOS and An­droid de­vices so you can get your "Ar­rested De­vel­op­ment" fix while wait­ing for stir-fry at Col­lis.

Chad Hollis, The Dartmouth Staff