Date Dartmouth

By Sophie O ' Mahony | 2/20/12 2:19pm


Col­lege dat­ing site,Datemyschool.​com, has com­piled data on which Amer­i­can schools are the hottest, ac­cord­ing toJezebel.


Date My School “shows us what schools are the most spank­able” by record­ing the num­ber of col­lege stu­dents’ pro­file pic­tures down­loaded by users. Dart­mouth is not in the of­fi­cial top ten, a list that is headed by Far­leigh Dick­in­son Uni­ver­sity. Darn. But never fear, nei­ther is Brown.

Some good news though: Dart­mouth’s men are ranked first in the Ivy League, and fifth hottest in Amer­ica, after School of Vi­sual Arts, Queens Col­lege and Ford­ham Uni­ver­sity.

Dart­mouth women, how­ever, did not make the Top Ten list of most "in­ter­net pop­u­lar" girls. See­ing as the data was, again, "based on how many creep­ers have saved their stu­dents' pro­file pic­tures to their own com­put­ers", this ex­clu­sion isn't the worst thing in the world.

If these re­sults have left you sore and re­gret­ting your col­lege choice, be glad that you didn’t go to one of the the "least sexy" uni­ver­si­ties, which in­clude Stan­ford, Co­lum­bia or Har­vard.

Two Co­lum­bia Uni­ver­sity MBA class­matesfoundedDate­myschool in No­vem­ber 2010 in order to "help col­lege stu­dents meet each other both within and out­side of their own schools."

Sophie O ' Mahony