Thursday Bite
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**Today's weather:**
Sun shine and clouds mixed. High 36F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph
Fac ing a packed lec ture hall in the Tuck School of Busi ness, in ter na tional busi ness pro fes sorVijay Govin dara jan, the pi o neer of the $300 House Pro ject,wel comed the 40 par tic i pantsof the four-day de sign work shop, as well as Dart mouth stu dents and mem bers of the pub lic.
In his State of the Union ad dress on Tues day, Pres i dent Barack Obama pro posed ideas and is sued warn ings to na tional col leges and uni ver si ties re gard ing the af ford abil ity of higher edu ca tion,In side Higher Edre ported.
A team of physi cists led by Dart mouth physics pro fes sor Ryan Hickox found that large galax ies ob served today were ac tive star burst galax ies in the early uni verse, Space.comreported.
Dri ven by eco nomic dif fi cul ties and grow ing stu dent pop u la tions, more pub lic uni ver si ties are part ner ing with pri vate com pa nies to build on-cam pus stu dent hous ing,The New York Times re ported.
Court yard Cafe
- Lunch: Chicken Bowl (Fried Chicken with corn, mashed pota toes cheese and gravy)
- Din ner: Chicken Pi catta, Rice & Veg gies
- Late Night:Mac and Cheese
- All meal plan equiv a lency swipes come with a choice of juice, foun tain drink, cof fee, tea or 8 oz car ton of milk
Col lis Cafe
- Soups:Ital ian Wed ding; Or ange Lentil
Lunch Spe cial:Cur ried Potato, Cau li flower and Peas
'53 Com mons
7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. & 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Ma Thayer's
- Break fast: Scram bled Eggs; Bacon; Home Fries; Apple Oat meal Pan cakes; Break fast Sandwiches
- Lunch: Beef Stew; Pars ley Noo dles; Wilted Spinach; Gnoc chi with Savoy Cab bage and Pancetta; Black Beans, Corn and Chilies
Din ner:Honey Gin ger Flank Steak; Or ange Chili Noo dles; Broc coli & Cau li flower; Jerk Chicken; Lime Cilantro Rice; Roasted Root Veg eta bles
The Hearth
Spe cials: Roast Chicken with Win ter Veg gies
Pizza:Mixed Veg gie; Cheese; Pep per oni; Stil ton, Wal nut and Cran berry; Meat ball
The Grill
- Build your own sand wich with Halal chicken thigh, local beef, grilled chicken or Cod Fil let; Grilled Cheese; Fries
Her bi vore
Lunch:Falafel Sand wiches; Pa neer Mut ter; Bas mati; Tus can White Beans and Kale; Waf fle Fries
Din ner:Falafel Sand wich; Re fried Bean Que sadilla; Mex i can Rice; Vegan Mous saka; Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges
Pavil ion
- Lunch: Turkey Schawarma; Chal lah; Veg gies & Cook ies
- Din ner: Grilled Salmon Fil let; Chal lah; Veg gies & Cook ies
Big Greens
- Panini Bar: Pulled Pork and Onion; Chiles Rel lenos
World View
- Fried Rice
No vack Cafe
- Sand wich of the Day:Cal i for nia Chicken Wrap
Soup of the Day:Broc coli Ched dar; Ital ian Wed ding
Avail able Daily:
- Hot & Cold Bev er ages
- Ready Made Sand wiches & Wraps
- De li cious Baked Goods
- As sorted Snacks
Byrne Hall
- Grill Spe cial: Bison Burger with Sautéed Onions, Spinach and goat Cheese Spread
- Deli Spe cial: New Eng land Turkey Gob bler
- Veg e tar ian:Pesto Risotto Cakes with Grilled As para gus
- En tree: Gin ger Beef with Green Beans
Din ner:
- Grill Spe cial: Parme san pep per corn Turkey Melt
- Veg e tar ian: Wild Mush room Ravi oli in a Pink Vodka Sauce
- En tree: Ital ian Strom boli with Mari nara Dip ping Sauce
Please Note: All Menus Sub ject to Change Thurs day, Jan u ary 26th