Stuff Dartmouth Kids Like: Warmcuts

By Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff | 1/20/12 5:18pm

Cour­tesy Of Ivy­gate Blog

Lis­ten up, fresh­men — this one’s for you. Warm­cuts will save your life. You know how some schools have an un­der­ground tun­nel sys­tem that al­lows their would-be bit­terly cold un­der­grad­u­ates to avoid get­ting frost­bite while walk­ing to class? Well, we don’t have those.

We do, how­ever, have a lot of build­ings that are re­ally close to­gether. And so the warm­cut was born — a route that takes place par­tially, prefer­ably mostly in­doors while you move from point A to point B.

The se­cret to a worth­while warm­cut is that it not add more than a minute of travel time to your com­mute but be at least 80 per­cent in­doors. Oth­er­wise, you will not ac­tu­ally warm up, and so then what is the point?

Ad­den­dum: if the Re­alfeel tem­per­a­ture is below neg­a­tive 15 [in­sert joke about how fresh­men ain’t ready for a real Hanover win­ter here], for­get these guide­lines and just stay as in­doors as you can. Or, you know, stay in bed.

Going from Fahey or Rus­sell Sage to FoCo? Walk through the Gold Coast build­ings and then Mass Row.

McLaugh­lin to Silsby? Take the li­brary. Or go through Ke­meny and Halde­man, but that one’s kind of con­fus­ing and re­quires lots of going up and down stairs.

Oh, and while we’re on the sub­ject of get­ting to class in the win­ter, don’t be the kid who ar­rives late and then pro­ceeds to loudly shed his 17 lay­ers of ther­mal cloth­ing while pant­ing and sweat­ing up a storm be­cause he ran all the way across cam­pus to get his body tem­per­a­ture up. You know what would solve that prob­lem? Tak­ing warm­cuts.

Warm­cuts allow you to wear fewer lay­ers. Also, un­dress/pant/sweat out­side. That way, the hot­tie who sits be­hind you will think you are just nat­u­rally put to­gether.

View Dartmouth Warm Cuts in a larger map
-Wid­get by Ma­lika Khu­rana

Leslie Ye, The Dartmouth Staff