Reboot & Rally: SoundCloud

By Chad Hollis, The Dartmouth Staff | 1/17/12 4:53pm

Cour­tesy Of Sound­check

In order to stay in touch with the lat­est jams, I used to surf dozens of blogs every day. Al­though it was a great way to stay in touch, blog surf­ing is cum­ber­some and often yields more bad songs than good ones. In order to stream­line my time and get the best qual­ity music, I started using SoundCloud.​com, a dy­namic web­site that should be one of top-used book­marks of any music lover.

Sound­Cloud is es­sen­tially a gi­gan­tic on­line music swap meet. Reg­is­tered Sound­Cloud users can up­load any sort of song and dis­trib­ute it to the world. Once you cre­ate a free pro­file, you’re able to up­load two hours of audio to the cloud. Once on the cloud, you’re able to let users down­load your tracks or sim­ply just stream them on­line. If you have a lot of music, you can pur­chase more time and up­grade to a pre­mium ac­count. Any reg­is­tered ac­count can down­load or stream an un­lim­ited amount of music.

The beauty of Sound­Cloud is that nearly every major artist is on the cloud. If you want to hear an epic setlist from Dirty South or the lat­est track from the Beastie Boys, it’s on the cloud. Every genre can be found on Sound­Cloud from dub­step to alt rock. It’s a heav­enly com­bi­na­tion of music that’s ac­ces­si­ble to every­one.

If you want to keep up with the lat­est trends in music, this is the web­site for you. It al­lows you to fol­low all of your fa­vorite artists and hear their lat­est tracks as soon as they drop. Best of all it’s free. What do you have to lose? You can even load the app on your iPad, iPhone or An­droid so you al­ways have ac­cess to the cloud. You might even find a page from your friendly neigh­bor­hood DJ Hol­listo on the cloud. You might like what you hear.

Chad Hollis, The Dartmouth Staff