DDS Detective: Chicken Parm

By Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff | 1/17/12 4:51pm


Priya Kr­ishna / The Dart­mouth Se­nior Staff

Every­one loves Chicken Parm. It's pos­si­bly one of the most like­able dishes I have ever en­coun­tered, as its non­con­tro­ver­sial in­gre­di­ent list can please even the pick­i­est of palates. This week's DDS De­tec­tive brings this pop­u­lar dish to the masses in the form of a chicken parm toast from Col­lis.

  1. Get a side of grilled chicken from the stir fry line and ask them to spoon tomato sauce on top
  2. Grab a piece of bread.
  3. Toast the bread.
  4. Top the bread with the tomato sauce/grilled chicken and top that with a gen­er­ous spoon of parme­san cheese
  5. Mi­crowave all of that for 1 minute.

Priya Krishna, The Dartmouth Senior Staff