Journalist Moya '04 murdered in Belgium

By The Dartmouth Staff | 6/6/10 4:56pm

Courtesy Of You Tube.Com

Bul­gar­ian jour­nal­ist Anna Moya '04 was found dead in her apart­ment in Brus­sels, Bel­gium, fol­low­ing an ap­par­ent stab­bing, the Bul­gar­ian news­pa­per The Sophia Echo re­ported Fri­day. Moya was a cor­re­spon­dent in Brus­sels cov­er­ing Eu­ro­pean Union af­fairs for Iran­ian tele­vi­sion net­work Press TV, ac­cord­ing to the net­work's web­site.

Moya was found after her hus­band, Adrian Moya, fled to Lux­em­bourg, where he con­fessed to hav­ing killed her. He was sub­se­quently ar­rested by po­lice and ex­tra­dited back to Brus­sels, ac­cord­ing to Bel­gian news out­let, Le Soir.

Anna Moya, nee Parachkevova, was a so­ci­ol­ogy major with a Span­ish minor while at the Col­lege, as well as a staff writer for The Dart­mouth.

Friends said they had ob­served no ten­sions be­tween the two prior to the mur­der, ac­cord­ing to media re­ports.

The Dartmouth Staff