The Ivy Lede

By STEPHEN KIRKPATRICK | 11/30/09 1:38pm

Zach Ingbretsen / The Dartmouth Staff

The day’s head­lines from across the Ivy League.
Stu­dents in Brown Uni­ver­sity’s Pro­gram for Lib­eral Med­ical Ed­u­ca­tion will be guar­an­teed spots at Brown’s Alpert Med­ical School, even if they choose to apply to other med­ical schools. More»
A Co­lum­bia Uni­ver­sity grad­u­ate — re­cently hired as a fac­ulty mem­ber of Co­lum­bia’s Grad­u­ate School of Ar­chi­tec­ture, Plan­ning and Preser­va­tion — has been sen­tenced to 15 years in Iran­ian prison for al­leged es­pi­onage. This is the sec­ond time he has been ar­rested in Iran, though the first time he was re­leased after Co­lum­bia Pres­i­dent Lee Bollinger and the School of In­ter­na­tional and Pub­lic Af­fairs lob­bied for his re­lease. More»
In an ef­fort to cut costs, Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity has an­nounced a plan to con­sol­i­date its li­brary sys­tem — a de­ci­sion that could re­sult in the clos­ing of sev­eral of the uni­ver­sity’s li­brary fa­cil­i­ties. More»
Har­vard Uni­ver­sity Pres­i­dent Drew Faust has an­nounced that Har­vard’s Grad­u­ate School of Ed­u­ca­tion will work with the South African Uni­ver­sity of Jo­han­nes­burg to im­prove South Africa’s ed­u­ca­tion sys­tem. More»
Three wrestlers at the Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia were ar­rested on Nov. 16 for al­legedly com­mit­ting ag­gra­vated as­sault in early Oc­to­ber. More»
Prince­ton re­searchers re­cently dis­cov­ered that the preva­lence of staph in­fec­tions — caused by bac­te­ria that live on the skin or in­side nasal pas­sages — has risen more than 90 per­cent in the last decade. More»
Yale Uni­ver­sity Sec­re­tary Linda Lorimer an­nounced Sun­day that Yale may re­verse its 40-year-old ban of ROTC on its cam­pus if Pres­i­dent Barack Obama ends the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” pol­icy. More»