Favorite love song?
Adrienne Murr ’25: “Papa was a Rodeo” by The Magnetic Fields.
Ellie Anderson ’25: “First Day of My Life” by Bright Eyes.
Ella Scarola ’27: “Lover, You Should’ve Come Over” by Jeff Buckley.
Faith Koontz ’27: “Timeless” by Taylor Swift.
Gretchen Bauman ’25: “For Once in My Life” by Stevie Wonder or “Somebody to Love” by Queen.
Jillian Brandl ’27: “The Story” by Brandi Carlile.
Leila Brady ’27: “Archie, Marry Me” by Alvvays.
Marius DeMartino ’25: “Lovers Rock” by Sade.
Selin Hos ’25: “Careless Whisper” by George Michael.
Tess Bowler ’25: “If I had a Gun …” by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds or “The Origin of Love” by John Cameron Mitchell.
Thomas Weaver ’27: “California Stars” by Billy Bragg and Wilco.
Vivian Wang ’27: “All I Ask Of You” by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
AM: Love at first sight is predicated on privileging what a person looks like over knowing anything about their personality, so no, probably not.
GB: I don’t think so. I think you can be attracted to someone at first sight, but you need to get to know someone before you can really be in love.
JB: No. I believe in lust at first sight, but real love only develops over time.
LB: I’ll believe it when I see it.
MD: When it happens I’ll let you know.
SH: Yes! I also believe in soulmates. I think Plato was onto something when he described the concept of soulmates being the two split halves of one whole person in “The Symposium.”
TW: Absolutely.
VW: No, it takes trust.
Describe your ideal Valentine’s Day.
AM: Something understated but classically romantic. Say, getting dressed up and splitting a bottle of red wine.
EA: Skiing and a massage.
ES: If I’m single, watching a movie with my girls and eating good snacks. If I’m taken, a romantic dinner date.
FK: Spending the day at the beach then having a nice dinner.
JB: This could go one of two ways: Either I’m in the most perfect relationship of my life and we have an awesome day together appreciating our mutual happiness, or I spend an amazing day with my friends eating delicious food, going on some crazy adventure and celebrating the holiday that way.
LB: Lots of crafts and candy with my girls.
MD: Italian restaurant and a movie.
SH: Spending as much time as you can with your person!
TW: My ideal Valentine’s Day definitely starts with some coffee in the morning, followed by a quiet dinner and movie at night.
VW: A nice dinner, laughter and letting myself feel grateful.
What’s something you love about Dartmouth?
AM: My friends, the annual midnight snowball fight and Collis matcha baked goods.
EA: I don’t think this one’s ever been said before, but the people.
ES: Meeting my best friends here!
FK: The flexibility in choosing what classes we get to take.
GB: Seeing Baker Tower from Hopson Road in Norwich when I’m on a run. It makes me feel grateful to go to school somewhere so picturesque.
JB: I love that I can go anywhere and see someone who means a lot to me. It feels rewarding walking around campus and constantly getting to say hi to people I adore.
LB: The Fayes.
MD: The lifelong friendships I’ve made here.
SH: I love that I can walk down the street and run into so many familiar faces. I really take that for granted and feel its loss whenever I am away from campus.
TB: How the snow on campus looks at dusk.
TW: I love how outdoorsy people are, even in the winter. I’ve always enjoyed skating on Occom with friends and skiing at the Dartmouth Skiway.
What’s the best valentine you’ve ever received?
AM: Probably Fun Dip.
EA: Something from my grandma.
ES: The Fun Dip people used to hand out in elementary school.
FK: Trader Joe’s gummies from my family — I got some today.
GB: Definitely every elementary school Valentine’s Day when we’d decorate shoeboxes and everyone would pass out candy.
JB: Honestly, I’ve never really gotten a crazy good one.
LB: Any type of Fun Dip!
SH: My lovely boyfriend got me two sets of flower bouquets last year — because one of them was slightly wilted, and he thought I “deserved better.” Both of the bouquets were beautiful, and he was just being his sweet, thoughtful self.
TB: The hand-written letters my friend Sarah would give me in high school. I still have all of them.
TW: My favorite valentines were in grade school when everyone was forced to hand out candy to everyone else in the class.
VW: Probably a store-bought valentine that some five-year-old brought for everyone in our kindergarten class.
Rom-coms: Yes or no? What’s your favorite?
AM: Yes — “Aquamarine.”
EA: Yeah — “My Best Friend’s Wedding.”
ES: Yes, duh — “The Holiday.”
GB: Yes! Even if they’re cheesy, like most rom-coms are, I like movies where you know everything will work out in the end — like “Mamma Mia!”
JB: Yes, 1000%. It’s a fun little fantasy to feed my delusions. “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” is my favorite.
LB: YES! — “When Harry Met Sally.”
MD: Yes. My friend and I have been waiting for weeks for the new “Bridget Jones” movie, so.
SH: YES! A million times yes — “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.”
TW: Big yes — “When Harry Met Sally” and “Wedding Crashers.”
TB: Yes — “Moonstruck.”
VW: Yes — “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2” (I have not seen the first one) and “Miss Congeniality.”
Which Dartmouth Dining location is best for a first date?
AM: Foco dark side. If you can’t get out of it, get into it.
EA: Don’t you dare take me on a first date to a Dartmouth Dining location.
FK: Collis Cafe, but not during a rush period.
GB: The upstairs table at Foco that looks down over dark side. If your date is boring, at least you can watch everyone below you.
JB: Collis, I guess, because you can take it to go and eat it somewhere pretty.
SH: NOT Foco! Take them somewhere classy… like the Courtyard Cafe. Kidding! Go out in town if you can!
TB: Collis porch… except you’ll run into everyone you know.
TW: Light side Foco.
What’s your opinion on flitzes?
AM: Fun but stressful.
EA: I’m pro-slant rhyme. Make bold poetic choices.
ES: Amazing and cute — also super fun to get from friend crushes.
GB: I’m a huge fan of fritzes. Who said fun rhymes should only be for significant others?
JB: I think if there is a real interest between two people or it’s been flirty then they’re great, but it’s so awkward to be flitzed by someone you don’t really know. Every time you run into them afterward, there’s that unspoken tension.
MD: I’m a supporter because they lowkey work.
SH: Flitzes are your time to shine. When you think outside of the box and create something really unique, personalized and funny, it will mean so much more to that person — and likely increase your chances of a positive response back! What’s the worst that can happen?
TB: In favor of an ironic interpretation of a flitz. Rhyming is hard.
TW: I’m a big fan.
VW: Love them, very cute concept.
Three words that describe your love life right now:
AM: Eating my feelings.
EA: Give up already.
ES: Taken, happy, yay.
FK: Could be better.
GB: Dead on arrival.
JB: Nonexistent, confusing, exciting?
LB: Dartmouth Marriage Pact.
MD: Get me out!
SH: Long-term, surprising, sweet.
TB: [Redacted], [redacted], [redacted.]
VW: Not very existent.