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The Dartmouth
September 21, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Small fire causes water and smoke damage in Class of 1953 Commons

Officials believe a malfunctioning lithium ion battery caused the fire to break out in the College’s main dining hall.


On Sept. 20, a small fire broke out in the Class of 1953 Commons shortly before midnight,, the Office of Communications wrote in an email to campus on Sept. 21. Officials believe a “malfunctioning lithium ion battery in a second-floor utility closet” — where the fire was contained — was responsible.

The fire was extinguished by a sprinkler in the closet, and the building sustained water and minor smoke damage. Between 200 and 300 students and staff were evacuated from the location.No one was hurt.

The Hanover Fire and Police departments received assistance from the Lebanon and Hartford, Vt. departments. Facilities, Operations and Maintenance worked overnight to open the College’s main dining hall for breakfast.