On March 15, Emily Fagell ’25 and Eren Berke Saglam ’25 will take on the roles of Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of The Dartmouth to head the paper’s 181st Directorate. They will replace outgoing Editor-in-Chief Kristin Chapman ’24 and Publisher Manasi Singh ’24, respectively.
Fagell is an English major and government minor from Bethesda, Md. She began writing for the news section of The Dartmouth in her freshman fall and served as a news associate managing editor in her freshman spring. She edited the Freshman special issue in her sophomore fall and served as an associate news executive news editor in her sophomore winter. Most recently, Fagell was a news managing editor in her sophomore spring.
Berke Salgam is a computer science and economics double major with a minor in human-centered design. He is from Turkey, which makes him the first international Publisher of The Dartmouth in many years, he said. He joined The Dartmouth in the winter of his freshman year as an analyst for the finance and sales team. Berke Salgam has been the finance and sales director since his sophomore spring.
During her time as EIC, Fagell hopes to accomplish what she calls the “three C’s”: cohesion, community and coverage. She hopes to build community and cohesion across the paper as a whole and within the individual sections.
“With that cohesion, not only will our community be stronger, but our reporting will be bolstered as well,” Fagell said. “We’ll get better coverage — more nuanced, more informed, more hard-hitting coverage — with all hands on deck.”
Fagell also said she hopes to create more training sessions, both mandatory and supplemental. These trainings will ensure that new writers are prepared and confident for their first articles, notwithstanding any prior journalism experience.
Berke Salgam said he is committed to bolstering the financial stability of The Dartmouth during his time as Publisher and will keep close track of how and where funds are being spent.
Berke Salgam also said he hopes the paper will facilitate “difficult conversations” in the upcoming year and amplify marginalized voices. Another one of Berke Salgam’s goals is to create and strengthen connections between alumni of The Dartmouth and its current staff and editors so that current staff can “learn from their expertise.”
2024-25 Editorial Directorate
Taylor Haber ’25 and Adriana James-Rodil ’25 will replace Daniel Modesto ’24 and Elle Muller ’24 as the news executive editors. Shena Han ’25 will take on the role of production executive editor, replacing Arielle Feuerstein ’24.
Lauren Azrin ’25, Charlotte Hampton ’26 and Arizbeth Rojas ’25 will take the role of news managing editors. Rojas served as a news managing editor this term. Aryanna Qusba ’25 will fill in for Hampton next fall. The four will replace the current news editors, Ben Fagell ’24, Emily Fagell, Haber and Han. The Mirror section will be led by Tess Bowler ’25, Gretchen Bauman ’25 and Marius DeMartino ’25. Bowler will continue in her role, and Bauman and DeMartino will replace Omala Snyder ’24 and Street Roberts ’24.
Alex Surprenant ’25 will continue to lead the Arts section along with Gianna Totani ’25, who will replace Jessica Sun Li ’24.
Will Dehmel ’26 will continue as the sports editor and Qusba will replace Lanie Everett ’24 for the spring and winter terms.
Rhea Karty ’25 and Andrew Zuo ’25 will be the opinion section editors. Opinion editors Thomas de Wolff ’24 and Thomas Lane ’24 will step down.
Multimedia editors Tommy Corrado ’25 and Brandon Mioduszewski ’25 will remain in their positions. Heath Monsma ’25 will continue to lead the podcast section without Levi Port ’24.
Michael Bond ’25 and Zoe Olson ’26 will serve as photography editors for the spring term. Returning editors Hannah Li ’25 and Emil Liden ’25 will serve as photography editors for the fall and winter terms. Caroline Kramer ’24 will step down from her role.
Lauren Lim ’26 will replace Elaine Pu ’25 as the design editor.
Allison Burg ’25 will serve as the data visualization editor again following her off-term this winter, during which Ishan Prasad ’26 and Tracy Weener ’26 filled in for her.
Selin Hos ’25, Shreya Kumar ’26 and Gayathri Srinivasan ’26 will continue their roles as social media managers, with Adrien Ibsen ’27 filling in for Kumar and Srinivasan in the fall and winter.
Aubrey Lennon ’25 and Brooke Leggat ’26 will continue as templating editors. Zoella Lin ’24 will continue as the crossword editor.
2024-25 Business Directorate
Jon Pazen ’25 will serve as the strategy director, replacing CJ Kang ’24. Tom Li ’25 will continue in his role as finance and sales director.
Rachel Orlowski ’25 will continue in her role as digital media and analytics director.
Quentin Proud ’26 and Stephanie Zoltick ’26 will be the directors of development, as Mehak Batra ’24 steps down.
Julia Beatriz Fausto ’26 will become the inaugural director of operations.

My name is Emily Salzhauer and I'm a 27 from New York City. I love cooking, reading, and playing with my 2 dogs, Leah and Lenny.