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The Dartmouth
March 14, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors’ Note: Freshman Special Issue 2022

The Class of 2026 arrives during the anniversary of many milestones at the College.

Freshman Issue Editors

This editors’ note is featured in the 2022 Freshman special issue.

Dear Class of 2026, 

As you take your first steps onto the Green, we hope you feel the energy in the air. We are all so excited that you’ve finally arrived, and we can’t wait to meet you. Like the many distinct shades of red, orange and yellow leaves beginning to emerge as we head from summer into fall, you are all uniquely talented, accomplished individuals. While Dartmouth’s campus and the Upper Valley may seem unfamiliar at first, we know you will find your place among the many students who have come before you. 

Your arrival coincides with many milestones at the College. This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the matriculation of Dartmouth’s first coed class, the establishment of the Native American Program and the founding of the Black Alumni of Dartmouth Association. The College planted these seeds of change half a century ago, and you are stepping onto campus as we look back on their growth. Dartmouth has come a long way since its founding in 1769, particularly in the last 50 years. This special issue delves into the ways in which the College’s reforms, implemented long before any of us made this campus our home, have come to fruition today.

Just as the College has evolved, you too will grow here. Our writers reflect upon their journeys throughout all stages of their college lives — from first finding their roots as a freshman to reflecting on how things have changed, entering this school year as a senior. As one writer explores, it can be hard to thrive here at first, but we are confident that you will adapt to the newfound challenges and learn to flourish.

Your lives will soon take root here, and we’re so excited to watch you bloom.

Welcome home ’26s! 

With love, 

Arielle, Daniel, Kristin and Kami

Daniel Modesto

Daniel Modesto ’24 is the News executive editor. He is from Brooklyn, New York, and is a Native American and Indigenous Studies major modified with Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies.

Arielle Feuerstein

Arielle Feuerstein ’24 is an English major from Bethesda, Maryland. She currently serves as the production executive editor, and in the past, she wrote and edited for Mirror. In addition to writing, Arielle enjoys crocheting, board games and walks around Occom Pond.

Kristin Chapman

Kristin Chapman ’24 is an English major and Spanish minor from Rye, New York. She currently serves as the editor-in-chief and previously wrote and edited for the News section. In her free time, she enjoys reading books, running, hiking and doing yoga.