David Millman ’23 has lost his bid for a Hanover Selectboard seat, according to preliminary election results announced at the Hanover Town Meeting on Tuesday evening. Millman received 730 votes; incumbent Selectboard members Nancy Carter and Joanna Whitcomb received 1,000 and 1,019 votes, respectively.
Article Two, which expands the definition of “family” for zoning purposes to include civil unions, foster care families and “other custodial relationships,” but also explicitly excludes groups of more than three college students, passed with 1,068 votes in favor and 570 votes against. The Hanover Planning Board supported its passage.
Article Three, which would have amended the zoning map to include the duplex at 59 and 61 Lyme Road in the Residence and Office zoning district, failed with 705 votes in favor to 901 votes against. The Hanover Planning Board opposed its passage.
Article Four, which would have amended the definition of “family” for zoning purposes to allow up to two unrelated adults per bedroom, failed with 594 votes in favor and 1,088 votes against. The student-proposed article was seen by some students as an opportunity to expand the housing supply in Hanover. The Hanover Planning Board opposed its passage.
Article Five, which gives approval to the current town manager system — under which an unelected and professionally trained town manager oversees the day-to-day operations of Hanover — passed with 1,200 votes in favor to 475 votes against. The student-proposed article was seen by some students as an opportunity to register dissatisfaction with Hanover town manager Julia Griffin. The Hanover Selectboard supported its passage.
A full article about the Hanover Town Meeting, including coverage of the in-person Business Meeting, will be published in the near future.