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January 22, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Winter rush sees 112 bids extended to women, 37 to men

Rush for the winter term recently concluded.

Campus was abuzz last week as this year’s winter rush recruitment cycle concluded, with 112 women receiving bids from sororities. The total number of bids extended was roughly similar to last winter, when 117 women received bids, and 2018, when 116 women received bids.

 In total, of the 136 women who registered and participated in this year’s winter rush process, 82.3 percent received a bid. Last winter, 144 women registered and participated in the recruitment process, with 81.3 percent receiving a bid. In 2018, 125 women registered for the recruitment process, with 92.8 percent receiving a bid.

In comparison, fall recruitment saw 63.7 percent of participants receiving a bid.

According to Office of Greek Life program director Jessica Barloga, 16 bids were extended at Alpha Phi sorority, 15 at Alpha Xi Delta sorority, 13 at Chi Delta sorority, 17 at Kappa Delta sorority, 15 at Kappa Delta Epsilon sorority, 17 at Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, 15 at Sigma Delta sorority and four at Epsilon Kappa Theta sorority. However, EKT is still adding additional members though its continuous open bidding process, which takes place after formal recruitment, meaning the number of bids they extend is likely to increase.

APhi, Kappa and KD extended slightly more bids this winter compared to last year, whereas AXiD, Chi Delt and EKT extended slightly fewer and Sigma Delt and KDE extended the same number.

According to Barloga, these numbers point to the emergence of a potentially positive trend. 

“More [potential new members] started the process and finished the process than we have seen in a couple of terms, which is exciting,” Barloga said. “So, if they are staying through it, that probably means they are having a good experience.”

Nevertheless, Zoe Wortzman ’22, who accepted a bid at Kappa Kappa Gamma this winter after dropping rush in the fall, said that winter rush was “pretty similar to the fall, just less crowded,” despite “expecting it to be more different than it was.” Wortzman added that she believed that rush “took up too much time,” especially as a member of the varsity swim team. 

However, Wortzman also acknowledged it is difficult to make the rush process any shorter, as it is already a relatively impersonal decision when a potential member is only talking to someone for 15 minutes at a time.

Although the women’s recruitment process is far more formal and publicized, during the winter, fraternities also have the option of participating in the recruitment process. 

This winter recruitment season saw 37 men receive bids from fraternities. According to Interfraternity Council recruitment chair Noah Piou ’20, one bid was extended at Alpha Chi Alpha fraternity, four at Sigma Nu fraternity, five at Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity and 27 at Zeta Psi fraternity. Zete did not participate in rush last term due to a suspension by the College.

Compared to women’s rush, where all houses must participate in the recruitment process during both fall and winter terms, fraternities are allowed to decide whether or not they want to participate. 

Piou said that whether or not a fraternity decides to participate in winter rush depends on whether or not the organization wants new members. 

“For the ’22s, they can advocate and voice for their friends who maybe were off or didn’t participate in the fall,” Piou said.

Regarding the differences between men’s and women’s rush, Piou said that he likes how casual the process is for men, as there are no set times and limitations to how often a potential member can visit a house. 

“Say you mess up or I meet you for the first time and am super awkward, that doesn’t end my life there,” Piou said. “I can go again multiple times, which is really great. You have multiple opportunities.”