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The Dartmouth
March 8, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note: Last Chances 19X


As sophomore summer draws to a close, so do the days of lounging by the river, perusing the farmer’s market, driving to Ice Cream Fore-U and falling asleep in Astro 1. Sophomore summer is about relaxing, but it’s also about letting students pursue activities they haven’t tried before and subjects they haven’t studied. It’s a time to step out of comfort zones, unhindered by the stress that accompanies the typical Dartmouth term. 

While 19X has been a time of fun and discovery, we now stand at the halfway point in our Dartmouth careers, and it’s the perfect time to stop and reflect on our experiences and look forward to what’s to come. The withdrawal deadline approaches, so reflect on whether or not you can really pull up that Jews 11 grade at this point in the term. Although it seems like it’s “only” week six, the next four weeks will go by in the blink of an eye in the midst of friends, fun and finals.

It might not be the last term at Dartmouth for the ’21s, but something about a junior year of friends studying abroad and interning makes this feel like our last term together for a while.

So, we hope that you make the most of the last few weeks of the summer in Hanover. Join a new club or go see an interesting lecture. Put your crush down for Last Chances 19X! Take a few risks this summer.

Rachel Pakianathan

Rachel is a '21 from Plainsboro, NJ and is currently serving as the editor-in-chief of the 177th directorate. She is pursuing a double major in economics and philosophy.