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The Dartmouth
March 14, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Editors' Note

making waves cover sami burack.jpg

At Dartmouth, the most notable body of water for many students is one that doesn’t make any waves — the Connecticut River, a favorite swimming spot whenever it is warm outside. The river holds a special place in the hearts of many people on campus, especially during sophomore summer. Swimming in the river’s pleasantly cool waters with the sun shining on your face is pure bliss. And the dams spaced along the river mean that in certain spots, the water feels completely still, no waves or current to be felt.

And so at Dartmouth, perhaps the waves are created by the people. People like introverts who are still trying to meet and learn from as many people as they can, people like professors who are searching for water on Mars and even people like seniors who are taking one more test — in swimming — before they say goodbye to the College once and for all. 

This week, the Mirror explores the experiences of all of these people and reflects on how we can make waves in a place that otherwise often feels calm and still. And we find that at a place like Dartmouth, a small change can still create a powerful wave of impact, if people so choose to start the process.