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January 26, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Nineteen Sig Ep brothers remain after national membership review

UPDATED: April 25, 2018, at 7:11 p.m.

Nineteen members of Dartmouth’s chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity were invited back to the fraternity following a membership review instituted by their national organization, according to a member of Sig Ep who was not invited back after his review. Before the review, there were 102 active members.

Of the 19, one is a member of the Class of 2018, three are members of the Class of 2019 and 15 are members of the Class of 2020, according to the former member. He said that to his knowledge, based off of conversations with other Dartmouth Sig Eps, at least 62 of the chapter’s members chose to pursue the membership review.

College spokesperson Diana Lawrence confirmed that invitations were extended to 19 members. She also added that the college recognizes Sig Ep's ability to select their own members as a private, self-selecting organization. 

Those who were not invited back following the membership review or who chose not to participate will remain as suspended members as long as they "remain in good standing with SigEp New Hampshire Alpha until graduation," according to an email sent to suspended members by chapter services director Paul Andersen. Suspended members are not permitted to identify as members of the fraternity, attend any house events or meetings or wear any clothing associated with Sig Ep, according to Andersen's email. They may earn alumni status upon graduation, though members may also choose to resign. Members who were not invited were also given the right to appeal the decision by Apr. 24.

The Dartmouth Sig Ep chapter, formally known as New Hampshire Alpha, was suspended on March 26 by Sig Ep National pending the membership review. The suspension came following risk concerns and worries that the house would not be able to comply with a substance-free policy from Sig Ep National. Brothers who wished to regain full standing were required to interview with a review board consisting of Sig Ep alumni, volunteers and Headquarters staff and to supply their academic transcript, conduct record and financial information.

“Knowing that this was a difficult decision, Sigma Phi Epsilon Headquarters and your alumni and volunteers ask that you continue to conduct yourself with the behavior that befits a SigEp and a student of Dartmouth College,” Andersen wrote. “Doing so will benefit all of those invested in the chapter, your friends, yourself, and provide for the future successes of Sigma Phi Epsilon at Dartmouth College.”

This article will be updated as additional information becomes available.