Evan Muscatel ’21 and Garrett Muscatel ’20
Do you two spend time together on campus?
GM: Yeah, I’ll hang out with him at [Beta Alpha Omega fraternity] sometimes, we played IM sports, we play video games sometimes. We’ll get meals every now and then, but it’s nice that it is a small enough campus that we run into each other randomly a good amount. And my friends run into him and give him hugs. He loves getting a big public display of affection from people he has never seen before.
EM: But then they are my friends, and I hug them back now.
GM: See, I am just helping him make friends. That’s the whole goal.
Describe each other in three words.
GM: How sarcastic can I be?
EM: Okay, I got it. Way too political.
GM: Calm, compassionate and handsome.
EM: Can’t argue with that one.
How are you two most alike?
EM: Everything we’ve said in this entire interview was probably sarcastic.
GM: We do love sarcasm.

Isabel Burgess ’20 and Jack Burgess ’20
What do you like most about going to school together?
JB: I have someone who I can eat food with, hang out with, talk about things with. Isabel will get my jokes and we can laugh about things that we both know about.
IB: It’s nice having a really good friend on campus. It is also really nice having someone to fly with when we come out here.
What do you not like about going to school together?
JB: I guess I can’t go crazy because Isabel would hear about it, but I don’t know that I would go crazy anyway.
IB: I don’t know if there’s anything that I don’t like because we spent our whole lives being together, so I don’t know what it would be like to not have to have a sibling with me.
What do you like best about being a twin?
JB: I have someone to talk to about things that are going on. Not just personal things, but any sort of thing.
IB: Well, generally, we usually know what’s happening in the other’s life, so we can understand the background for something, whereas a friend you just met at Dartmouth may not understand why you are so excited about something or why you may feel bad.

Madeleine Généreux Th ’20 and Marguerite “Margot” Généreux ’21
What is it like going to Dartmouth together?
MarG: I think it is really nice. I am a freshman so it’s my first year of college. It is Madeleine’s first year too because she’s a 3-2 engineering student. It was nice in the first few weeks to have someone to go through that adjustment with. We get a meal a week with each other a lot of the time. It’s nice to check in with each other.
MadG: It is also really nice to just bump into each other and just quickly catch up. Some weeks we see each other a lot, some weeks we barely see each other, but it is just fun to see each other around.
What do you like about going to school together?
MadG: For me, it is something else that we share. We’ve grown up together, and now it is just nice that we can talk about Dartmouth and know what the other one really means, and I think that brings us closer in a way.
What is one personality trait that your sibling has that you wished you had?
MarG: Madeleine is just so sweet. She is so kind. She will not say anything bad about anyone ever. She is just very kind-hearted.
MadG: I think Margot is very kind too. She is so nice to the people that she cares about. Something I wish I had is how outgoing she is — she has a lot of energy, and that’s really cool.

Christopher Quintero ’18 and Stephanie Quintero ’20
Were you excited when you found out you both were going to Dartmouth?
SQ: I was super excited. I was kind of worried that I was going to be intruding since this was his school first, but at the same time, I was super excited. I just wanted to bond with him more.
CQ: For me personally, I think I was a little bit hesitant at the beginning just because we had been going to school together for so long.SQ: Very hesitant.
CQ: I guess I wanted my own thing a little bit, but I really warmed up to the idea. I felt like mentoring her is something I have done my entire life, and I wanted to continue to do that throughout college, especially because our parents didn’t go to college. It’s been really great seeing her journey throughout Dartmouth.
Does going to school with your sibling help with homesickness?
SQ: For sure. It is kind of like a piece of home that is with me here so I never really feel like I am far away from my family.
CQ: Yeah, I’d say the same. It was kind of lonely the first two years being alone far away from my family. It’s nice having her here as well.
How are you two most alike?
SQ: Our smile. People tell us that we have the same smile.

Gaurav Varma ’20 and Anuj Varma ’20
Were you excited when you found out you both were going to Dartmouth?
AV: I was just excited to go to Dartmouth in general.
GV: Me too. I was just really happy to go to Dartmouth. It was all the better that I had someone there who I already know. I already had a friend at Dartmouth.
How is your relationship different on campus rather than at home?
GV: Well, I would say we communicate a lot less on campus just because we are so busy. We have a lot more responsibility when we come to Dartmouth. We can’t see each other as much. Whereas at home, we will see each other like 10 times more. It is not like the nature of our interactions are different, it is just that there is more interaction, I would say.
AV: Yeah, I agree with that. Things are a lot different when you’re living right across the hall as opposed to across campus.
Does going to school with your sibling help with homesickness?
AV: I don’t really feel homesick. I don’t feel homesick at all. I’m not just saying that, I am being very honest.
GV: Yeah, it might. I don’t know. I haven’t really imagined a world where he’s not on campus. What would that look like? I think in the backdrop of everything, just because he’s on campus, it makes everything okay.
AV: I didn’t think about that until now, but maybe I am not homesick at all because he’s here. I never really thought about that. Very interesting.
GV: Mind blown.

Reeves “Kepa” Police ’17 and Maiah Police ’19
How was your sibling relationship different on campus compared to at home?
MP: What’s funny is we were way closer here. We’d only see each other a couple times a week, but at home we are side-by-side doing everything together, so of course we get way more annoyed with each other. Here it is fun when we run into each other at Late Night Collis or I’d run into him at the library or study with him. We are more separate here so that made the moments we were together way more fun I think.
What’s it like to now be at Dartmouth without your brother here?
MP: Well, I was so sad the last night. He was actually on for my sophomore summer, and then I left to go home before he did. I remember that night realizing that that was the last time we would be students together on campus and it was devastating. Now, it kind of seems like a distant memory because now I am in my second term without him. It was always nice running into him and being all excited, and I know he misses it, so it’s hard for him to watch all my Snapchats and stuff.
Was there anything you didn’t like about going to school together?
MP: I guess not being about to make Dartmouth my own from the start. I was labeled immediately when I came in because people already knew me through Facebook and Instagram and as “Kepa’s sister.” I totally loved coming in and people kind of knowing who I was, but it would have been fun to come in and kind of shape it as my own. But I definitely would never swap that for not having him here. I would rather have him here.