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The Dartmouth
March 8, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Wagner informs campus of cybersecurity breach

Chief financial officer of the College Mike Wagner sent a campus-wide email Friday afternoon stating that there had been a major data breach in the consumer database at Equifax, the consumer credit reporting agency that the College uses for business services. In his email, Wagner included a statement from Equifax, which said that its Workforce Solutions database had not been breached and, therefore, no data from the College was affected. 

However, data related to student loans administered by the College — such as student names and Social Security numbers — could be considered consumer information. Equifax denied finding any unauthorized activity in these databases, but Wagner stated that the College is "seeking clarification" about whether this information could have been affected. 

Wagner added that he will provide updates on the breach as relevant information becomes available, and that the College will offer informational sessions on cybersecurity and credit monitoring later in the fall.