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The Dartmouth
March 17, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Martosko ’91 and Ingraham ’85 under consideration for Trump administration post

David Martosko ’91 and Laura Ingraham ’85 are among the names being considered for press secretary in President-elect Donald Trump’s administration, Politico reported.

Martosko was seen entering Trump Tower on Tuesday on C-SPAN’s feed of the building’s lobby and elevator bank. The Trump campaign previously denied that Martosko was in the running. Campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told the Huffington Post in mid-November that Martosko was not under consideration.

Republican National Committee chief strategist and communications director Sean Spicer is seen as the most likely pick for the position, according to Politico.

Martosko is currently the United States political editor at the Daily Mail, a conservative British tabloid. Until 2013, he served as the executive editor of The Daily Caller, a conservative online publication that features news and commentary.

Ingraham, a Fox News contributor and host of her own conservative radio show, was first reported to be in the mix for press secretary by The Hill in mid-November. On Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, she indicated interest in taking the position.

“I’m honored to be considered for that job, and other jobs,” Ingraham said on the show. “Im at the point where if my country needs me, and if I could do something to actually advance the Trump agenda, which is stuff I’ve written about now for 15 years with trade and immigration and just renewing America, I’d have to seriously consider that.”

During the election, she advocated for Trump in her on-air appearances while also campaigning for him. Ingraham was also part of Trump’s debate preparation team.

At Dartmouth, Martosko was the leader of the co-ed a cappella group The Dodecaphonics and was student conductor of the Glee Club. Ingraham was the editor-in-chief of The Dartmouth Review, the publication’s first woman to serve in that role.