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March 8, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

VoX concludes with series of panels

Four panelists speak on a Tuesday panel about race in the Greek system as part of the “VoX: Voices of Summer.”
Four panelists speak on a Tuesday panel about race in the Greek system as part of the “VoX: Voices of Summer.”

About 50 students gathered in One Wheelock on Tuesday night for a panel titled “Race in the Greek System Panel.” Four panelists shared their experiences with the Greek system as a part of “VoX: Voices of Summer” programming.

During the event, the panelists — Leigh Goulbourne ’17, Danielle Jones ’17, Alanna Kane ’17 and Shivang Sethi ’17 — answered questions from the moderator, Adaeze Nduaguba ’17. The panelists first discussed their individual experiences with the Greek system.

Jones said her decision to remain unaffiliated had everything to do with race. As the only unaffiliated member of the panel, she noted that there are social alternatives to Greek life such as BarHop.

Panelists also talked about whether or not they personally have been able to create change in the Greek system and if they believed their self-enacted change was successful.

Sethi, a member of Zeta Psi fraternity, thinks he has made a small change in his house where he is not afraid to speak out.

“I am not afraid to call people out,” Sethi said. “[Because] I’m already a part of this community.”

Audience members also asked questions, which included those on the eradication of the Greek system, sorority recruitment and the interaction between the affiliated and unaffiliated communities.

This panel was one of several events held this summer as a part of “VoX: Voices of Summer” — an extension of V-February.

Co-directors Kalie Marsicano ’17 and Jessica King-Fredel ’17 said they are proud of how programming has gone so far this summer.

Marsicano said the events were positive experiences and was pleased by the attendance at these events. She said she focused on intersectionality this summer as she wanted the events to be as representative as possible.

King-Fredel said that by having these events over sophomore summer, they were able to capitalize on the community aspect of the term, especially for Voices of 15X.

Marsicano noted that this term they expanded the locations of the events from neutral locations, such as Collis Common Ground, to other Greek houses and affinity houses to try and connect with different people.

“We are broadening in whatever ways we can,” Marsicano said.

Nick Moolenijzer ’17 performed two pieces in Voices of 15X. Moolenijzer said that he became interested in V-February this past winter and decided that this summer was a great term to become involved. He particularly loved being a part of Voices because he had a chance to become a part of a diverse group of people where everyone shares a part of their lives, he said.

“Every time you listen to someone.” Moolenijzer said, “It’s crazy how much more you learn about them.”

Moolenijzer said that having this event over sophomore summer made him feel more connected to the class of 2017.

“We’ve all been involved at Dartmouth for the same amount of time so we’re all at the same point,” Moolenijzer said. “As soon as I was done with my pieces, I felt close and connected with the audience.”

Moolenijzer also spoke on the Aug. 13 Defining Feminism panel — another event included in the Voices of Summer programming. He spoke about what being an ally meant to him. He added that he learned from hearing the other panelists’ personal experiences.

Other events that were part of the Voices of Summer programming included a Intersectionality panel, Healthy Relationships panel and the Dartmouth Experience panel. The last panel and the last event for Voices of Summer will be on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 8 p.m. at Bones Gate fraternity and will address body image and mental health.

Marsicano is a member of The Dartmouth Staff.