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The Dartmouth
July 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Vox Clamantis: Moderate Voices

Letter to the Editor:

I am disappointed that these opinion pages have again fallen into tiresome posturing over the Greek system’s mere existence rather than critical thinking about how to fix specific problems.

I appreciated my fraternity and agree that Dartmouth’s Greek system is more inclusive than almost any other Greek system. However, that fact does not absolve the system’s contributions to Dartmouth’s problems. Nor does the fact that women are not raped in literal “droves” excuse the fact that too many are — and it isn’t outrageous to say that an alcohol-fueled culture of machismo, however vestigial, contributes to this. Being expected to reflect on our own attitudes and actions does not make us persecuted victims. Rather, it makes us responsible adults.

Yet expressing concern for sexual violence and the various “isms” lingering at Dartmouth doesn’t require caricature or melodrama. Many Greek members don’t resemble the affluent, white, heterosexual stereotype — my own house was minority-white and an even smaller minority was white, straight and U.S.-born. It is counterproductive and inaccurate to categorize two-thirds of all students as complicit in an oppressive white patriarchy. This system is made of people — with personalities, motives and passions far beyond drunken carousing.

My recent Winter Carnival visit reminded me that my alma mater is full of decent, thoughtful, compassionate people who appreciate Dartmouth’s social traditions in moderation and remain open to change while keeping things in perspective. It would be nice to hear more of those voices.

Stephen Kirkpatrick ’13

Former Evening Managing Editor, The Dartmouth