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The Dartmouth
July 1, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Vox Clamantis: In Support

To the Editor:

As an alumna and a proud member of the 25th reunion class, I was sad and dismayed to hear about the post on Bored at Baker sanctioning and describing a plan for rape. As a lawyer, I was outraged. As the mother of two teen girls, I was terrified.

Not as terrified, I’m sure, as the ’17 woman who was the victim of the harassment and alleged assault. I write this letter to her.

I do not know your name, but I do know from your published statement that you feel alone. Please know that I support you and believe you and agree with you that the anonymous poster’s actions were absolutely, completely and totally inexcusable.

Please know that you are not at fault. Please know that alumnae — and no doubt alumni — are cheering for you and hoping that you will find a home at the Dartmouth that we know and love.

Lisa Tucker McElroy ’89

Associate Professor, Drexel University School of Law