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The Dartmouth
July 12, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Vox Clamantis: A Necessary Compromise

Letter to the Editor:

Last week, TheDartmouthpublished two op-eds (“Backward Boycott,” Jan. 8 and “Dear Hanlon —Be Bold,” Jan. 10) that expressed rightful oppositiontotheAmerican Studies Association’s recent decisiontoboycott Israeli academic institutions. Boycotts place blame exclusively on one side and further polarize communities that needtocometogether for a common vision of peace through two states,a solution that preserves Israel’s Jewish and democratic character while also ending theoccupation of Palestinian territory. Unfortunately, neither piece addressed legitimate concerns regarding justice and human rights forPalestinians. Israel’s decades-long occupation subjugates Palestinians, ultimately placingthem under martial law and denyingthem statehood. As college students, we must explore all narratives oftheconflicttofully comprehendthe difficult compromises necessary for Israeli-Palestinian peace.

In her op-ed, Marissa Wizig ’14 asked President Hanlon “todo a little more,” and I’m asking our communitytodo a little more, too. Instead of blaming one side, engage withthecomplex issues oftheIsraeli-Palestinian conflict and help make Middle East peace a reality. This past summer, Secretary of State John Kerry broughttheparties backtothenegotiating table after a five-year hiatus. Later this month, he will offer a framework agreement that lays out general parameters for tacklingtheconflict’s core issues: borders, security, refugees and Jerusalem. Now more than ever, this issue deserves our engagement and action. We must betheeducated constituency for peace that Kerry has requested.Thetime is nowto ensurethefuture security and prosperity of boththeIsraeli and Palestinian peoples. We simply can’t affordtolet this opportunity escape.

Steven Povich ’16

Board Member, J Street U