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The Dartmouth
March 6, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Remy appointed to direct UJAO

Remy said her work as a hearing officer and an advisor to students in a judicial office for 18 years will benefit her at the College.

"I think what I can bring to the role is certainly the perspective of somebody who has been sitting on the other side of the table with students as an advisor," she said.

Remy will serve as the director for a year and will then decide whether she wishes to stay based on "how the year goes," she said. There is no ongoing search process for a judicial affairs director.

Inge-Lise Ameer, associate dean for student academic support services, said that Remy has gained experience with judicial affairs throughout her time in the undergraduate dean's office.

Remy's selection concludes a search process that began in February, chaired by assistant dean for campus life Kate Burke.

"We ran a national search, and as is the case often, the best person is actually right here," Ameer said. "Dean Remy has been at Dartmouth and a really extraordinary dean."

Remy will chair a national search to replace former assistant director of judicial affairs Meredith Smith, who left the College to pursue her graduate degree in higher education administration and policy at Northwestern University, Ameer said. No time frame has been set for the completion of the search process.

A perceived lack of transparency from judicial affairs and the failure of the Committee on Standards to release a community report in the past three years has been a source of student concern.

To address these issues, judicial affairs will post reports from the past two years on its website. Aditionally, Remy has been asked to work on increasing the office's transparency, Ameer said.

"I think we have an excellent system but that needs some tweaking," she said.

Former Committee on Standards member Benjamin Spero '13 said that judicial affairs explains its process well to the people involved in a hearing, but the larger community does not have the same awareness.

"They are very poor with communicating the process and procedures to the student body as a whole," he said.

Remy also said her goal is to increase transparency in judicial affairs.

"I don't want students to have the sense that something is happening behind closed doors that they are not privy to," Remy said.

While mock hearings have some benefits, they do not portray an adequate sense of a misconduct trial due to time constraints, Remy said.

The COS held a mock sexual misconduct hearing last May in an attempt to increase awareness of judicial proceedings.

Students are forced to seek guidance from authority figures in the judicial affairs office if they have questions about their hearing, a process that can be intimidating, Spero said.

Although hearings are only intended to be procedural, the process is "fearful" for many students who have to go through it, he added.

Remy said that judicial affairs can increase its transparency by conducting new outreach efforts.

"For me, it's not just about the rules and the process," Remy said. "It's about the underlying principles: What matters to this community? What do the standards of community reflect about Dartmouth and about our standards for one another?"

Despite the departure of the office's director and assistant director, Remy said that judicial affairs will be able to transition effectively.

"It's about the amount of work that needs to be done," she said. "We'll have to be kind of efficient and work long hours, but there are lots of people who can pitch in with that so I'm not concerned about getting through it all."

Administrative turnover, which is common in student affairs positions in higher education, is beneficial because it allows knowledge and experience to be shared between institutions, Remy said.

Judicial affairs reported to Burke on an interim basis after the departure of former director April Thompson in 2012 and will now be under the purview of Ameer.

Spero was a former member of The Dartmouth senior staff.