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The Dartmouth
March 13, 2025 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth


Rugby Girl 1: Theta Delt is the catalyst in my poor decision making. The elements that lead to bad decisions are always present but it takes Theta Delt to make it happen.

'12 Guy: So you ended up getting with some other girl? That's cool... it's kind of like a constellation prize.

'12 Girl: There is a sun god fight club on the green?!

'12 abroad in Italy: Last night I drunk dialed a girl on Skype from over 4,000 miles away. Damn it!

Girl on cell phone: How are you even wasted at 6:00 p.m... well why did you start drinking at 4:00 p.m.? You could have taken a Tylenol!

'10 girl: I think I would rather have swine flu than go to rush.

'10 Guy : She had a baby? I didn't even know she was pregnant.'10 Girl: Yeah, the D-Plan is great for hiding pregnancies.

'10 Kappa to '10 Psi U: your puppy is motorboating me.

'12 Girl: Does the Pavilion guy wink at you too?

Econ Prof: So what's the big drinking day on campus?'11 BG wearing all bg gear: EVERY DAY!