'13 Girl : I just really want to hook up with a Yale boy because I wanted to go there. It will be like closure.
'10 Sigma Delt: You know you have a problem when you find your thesis notebook in the basement. On the bar.
'10 Tri-Delt: I saw my doppelganger today. She was SO ugly.
'11 Guy at Oxford: How are the other students in your tutorial?'11 Girl at Oxford: They're all philosophy majors, not like BG Phil majors, more like Phi Tau Phil majors.
'12 AXA: Some girl stole my siren last night, I would have caught her, but I fell because I was drunk and wearing skinny jeans...
'11 KDE: I lose getting some all the time to Halo.
'13 Girl 1: Those SAE girls must be sluts.'13 Girl 2: What do you mean?'13 Girl 1: I always see guys there.
'13 Guy after pouring water on '10 girl: I'm so sorry! Please don't ruin my Dartmouth experience!
'13 Guy: My ankle was killing me and I had to stay drunk to stay active.
'12 AZD: Who is Clara Barton. Now do you believe I'm good at Jeopardy?'12 TDX: What kind of category is Notable Women? If it was Notable Sweet Bros, I would've totally gotten it.