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The Dartmouth
July 2, 2024 | Latest Issue
The Dartmouth

Vox Clamantis: Minority Priorities

To the Editor:

With the smugness of one totally assured of his own place in the world, Peter Blair '12 ("Priority Report," Jan. 21) minimizes the importance of OPAL by aligning it with activities he considers "decadence."

He then poses the question: "Consent Day may be the important and invaluable tradition that Klein claims it is (however unlikely that may sound), but can anybody honestly say it is more important than Winter Carnival?"

I can, if that's how he'd have it.

The lack of Winter Carnival makes the College experience a somewhat less enjoyable one (and for some of us, only minimally so).

The lack of OPAL's programs makes the College experience an intolerable one for some.

Not Mr. Blair, of course -- but that's not the point.

Roger B.A. Klorese '77

Seattle, Wash.