'09 Tridelt: What language is yoga in?
'11 Girl [at Physics 14 study session]: I may be stupid, but at least I look cute.
'11 Guy: Dude, Sophomore summer is going to be so raw!
'10 Dude: Raw?
'11 Guy: You've never heard that before? Like, you know, awesome.
'10 Dude: Like raw meat?
Guy [approaching a waffle maker in Homeplate]: Ah yes, the force is strong in this one.
Girl 1 [at SigEp]: Isn't 'soiled myself' like, the best phrase ever?
Girl 2: Yeah, it totally is! I mean that's like my life -- I soil myself!
'10 Girl 1: Are Korean guys really chauvinistic? Like, do they open doors for you?
'10 Girl 2: Yeah, they usually open the door for their girlfriends and pull out their chairs, stuff like that.
'10 Panarchist: Why do you keep calling me a stripper?
'09 Panarchist: Because it's your occupation!