Girl [about Winter Carnival]: The size was small, but the enjoyment was large.
'10 TriDelt: I don't even smoke. I am just so hungry.
'08 Kappa 1 [in Psi U basement]: Does it look like I have a FUPA?
Kappa 2: You've asked me this 47 times!
'08 TriDelt [to two '08 SigmaDelts]: Apparently in the Romantic Era they thought there were only two places for women: the angel for the home, or the prostitute. Think about where you would be.
'11 Girl 1: Who asks that, 'What do you do?' What happened to 'What activities are you interested in?' [To '11 Girl 2, mockingly] What do you do?
'11 Girl 2: Chi Gam.
Tri Kap '10: Shampooing every other day has done wonders for my volume.
Frat Boy 1: Dude, would you rather drink beer out of a boot or out of a garbage can?
Frat Boy 2: Dude, I don't know.
'11 Guy: Hey, what are you looking at?
'11 Girl: There is an eclipse tonight!
'11 Guy: An eclipse now?!... Do I have to shield my eyes?